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==Political Beliefs==
Senate believes himself and his two fellow Mumbas to be chosen by the gods of his faith, andSpecz thusArcanes is a supporter of the divine right theory of monarchy. Over his years of rulecitizenship in Arcadia, however, PitruSpecz has also taken a liking to the increasingly democratic society of Arcadia, as it takes some of the pressure of governing off his shoulders. He has come to trust his people more, and supports them in the name of democratic ideals. PitruSpecz supported the creation of the Holy Senate of Arcadia, has monitored and managedserves everyas Arcadianthe election,Diplomat andfor servesthe asArcadian thegovernment. mainSorting sourceout forDiplomatic informationrelationships, onimprovements theand Arcadian governmentproblems. He admires the governments of Ashina and Lydoneia, for their long lasting and democratic governance respectively.
Pitru personally wrote the Constitution of the Arcadian Altanate, which was approved by the Holy Senate of Arcadia. Senate specifically designed the document to give more power to the people and their elected executive, the Prime Minister of Arcadia, as well as the Holy Senate. Although it took him years to fully complete, the reception of the document has been widely positive, and Senate hopes it may put an end to any lingering political instability in Arcadia. Pitru also plans to construct a palace in Wahat Almarjan to be the center of his royal court and complete the massive project that is the city.
==Religious Beliefs==