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Specz would leave the Farlands, and with it leave his disgusting family and wife. The Powers would soon torment him about visions with his life forever. He traveled the world, slaying monsters and driving evil from the innocent. As a result, he was often in pain and would spend his spare time recharging for his inevitable battle. Specz wouldn’t find true friends until Alathra. When he went to investigate Ra’thra’s storm in Haven, he met his true friends, Lady Remora, Aurelius of Haven, Baaki of North haven and Llull Ancane of Wok, this was until Llull was swapped for Rynnth. And so, he stayed in Alathra. Residing in Kais Termina and meeting good people on the way.
===Exile from Yuvantiya===
But even in this passive state, Pitru drew the ire of the magistrates of Ddaza, who wished to try him for inciting the outbreak of disease, hoping to finally rid their city of the Punstraia for good. Now fearing for his life, Pitru fled Ddaza into the nearby forest in the midst of particularly terrible winter rains. In this forest, he fell asleep, weak and weary from hours of running, only to be awoken by a grand spectacle. Before Pitru were the gods of his faith, Afi - the Sun, Jorb - the Moon, Xamu - the Earth. The three gods warned him of a search party out to kill him, prepared to carry out Pitru's execution ordered by the Ddazan magistrates.
The gods pitied him and gave him the option to leave his homeland, and instead walk through a fissure in realms to a new, safer place. They also bestowed upon him the name "Senate", a word translating to "of the divine" as a way to disguise him from any enemies and show his value to the gods. With no other options, Pitru accepted the gods' gracious offer and was ushered through the fissure by the divine of his faith.
===The Great Trek===
