
Revision as of 18:15, 30 July 2022 by Arctan1 (talk | contribs)
The Greater Stahlfaust Empire
Coat of arms
Motto: Glory to the Kaiser!
Largest city Oakland
Ethnic groups Stahlfaust, Killimand, Unknown
Religion The Hole Under the Sun (AIK and The Hole merge)
Demonym Stahlfaustian
Government Monarchy
 •  Holy Kaiser Arctan van Orden III
 •  Saint Bean
 •  Upper house The Imperial Court
 •  Lower house The Council of Nobles
 •  estimate ~100
GDP (PPP) estimate
 •  Total $7,100,000 Increase
 •  Per capita $71,700 Increase

The Empire of Stahlfaust is a monarchy located on Gaushan, Prospit, and New-Anglia and is led by Kaisers of the Van Orden royal family. Stahlfaust was originally founded in its former capital Wulfheim but its current capital is Arctanis, which is in northern Gaushan.



The Greater Stahlfaust Empire is run by the Imperial Court, which is responsible for running all territories of the Empire. On the other hand, Stahlfaust proper is run by the council of nobles. While Stahlfaust has legislative systems the Kaiser still holds most power in the government.

The Imperial Court

The Imperial Court consists of the Kaiser, the religious leader of "The Hole Under the Sun", the heir to the Stahlfaust throne, and leaders of large provinces throughout the Empire. The Imperial Court has no direct say in the policy of the Greater Stahlfaust Empire, but they are an advisor to the Kaiser in making large decisions.

Members of the Imperial Court
  • Kaiser Arctan van Orden III
  • Saint Bean
  • Pharaoh Savimbi van Orden I
  • Duke Klenzie van Orden
  • Duke Humphrey

The Council of Nobles

The Council of Nobles is an assembly of nobles in Stahlfaust Proper that is responsible for creating and voting on decrees regarding Stahlfaust Proper. Members from outside Stahlfaust Proper may be admitted into the Council of Nobles if they are given permission from the Kaiser. The Council of Nobles votes and operates within the powers granted to them by the Stahlfaust Constitution.

Constitution of Stahlfaust Proper

1 - The Crown holds the executive power to write and pass decrees and executive orders without the immediate approval from any legislative assembly.

1A - Examples of executive orders include arrest warrants, war declarations, military drafting, and etc.

1B - During wartime, wartime decrees may be passed by the crown and will be reverted whenever peace returns to Stahlfaust.

2 - The Crown may veto any decree that is not voted unanimously by the Council of Nobles.

3 - Only the Crown may declare war.

3A - The Council of Nobles may petition to declare war and petitions will be reviewed by the Crown and decided on accordingly.


1 - Decrees may be passed by the Council of Nobles if a majority vote is made in favor of the decree.

2 - The Council of Nobles may veto an executive decree if they unanimously agree that it violates the Stahlfaust constitution or is not for the good of the nation.










War and Conflict

Stahlfaust Proper


The Greater Empire



Stahlfaust Royal Family
