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===The Caravan and the Inquisitor===
===The Caravan and the Inquisitor===
The inquisition, they called it. The inquisitors called them the Devourer. In their so-called age of subjugation, a group of these inquisitors turned their blame towards The Caravan. The Caravan watched as the hubris of artifact creation led to the near extinction of humanity. The Caravan observed another entity wipe the memories of the horrific destruction. But some remembered. One of those men, Maoilios Ó Corraidhíni, led a crusade against what he called the Devourer.

The proto-Pyrrhians lived subjugated by the thriving bandits and warlords. The rise of the Free Cities of Alathra and the destabilization of society thank the Orkni Extinction Event ended the Age of Nature. At this time, the Felu fragment found itself exploring western Arith, taking control of various mammals and misshaping their bodies to look like Felu’s preferred form. The dark-haired elf with black eyes cared not about the damage it was causing to sentient beings, leaving their bodies destroyed after Felu was done with it.

Maoilios, saw the Felu fragment on multiple occasions, leaving sheep and deer in unsightly states. Limbs were torn off and moved, joints disfigured, and bones sculpted. Once the Felu fragment left these animals, they died immediately or died suffering. As the Solar Codex warned, the Devourer had returned to the Realm of Existence, Maoilios thought to himself. Maoilios gathered proto-Pyrrhians under him under the belief that banishing the Devourer would in turn remove the plight of the bandits and warlords.

==== The First Encounter ====
Maoilios had originally gathered a group of 120 followers to join him on venturing in the woods to hunt the Felu fragment. This group included proto-Pyrrhians and druids alike, both hoping to reclaim their homeland. Only a few warrior-druids and remnants of the Elchsdringen Clan opted to join Maoilios. While he had convinced some, most opted to continue to live in the safety of nomadic ways, constantly avoiding bandits and warlords.

After weeks of travel and losing 8 followers to bandits, the Felu fragment finally took notice. The 112 remaining followers sat around the camp, burning large bonfires to ward off bandit encounters. A noise startled everyone, followed by the center most flame turning to a black, reflecting a purple light. Fear spread quickly, some arming themselves looking to the surrounding trees for bandits, others delving directly into prayer, and a few running into the forest.

The fire regained its color as a deer walked forward into the clearing, bows and swords directed at it. The followers watched in horror as the deer stood on its hind legs, its bones cracking, blood spilling from the twisted joints. The deer grew more and more humanoid, the fur receding, the pigmentation of its skin changing near pale, and hair spreading from the now head of the creature. In a matter of seconds, Felu opened her black eyes at the crowd gathered around her.

An arrow flew past, originating from shaky hands, landing in the dirt next to Felu. Maoilios stood in the middle of the crowd, capturing Felu’s unwavering gaze. Another arrow flew, burying itself into the tree behind the fragment. Arrows continued to fly, each miss calling for another one. At some point, realization struck that the arrows were changing direction as they approached the elf-like creature in front of them.

“You wish to banish us?” a voice rang out from the woods. Felu’s mouth didn’t move at all, but there was no doubt it was the fragment speaking. The voice itself was sweet like silk, calling out like a siren in the ocean. Without asking anything more, some men dropped their weapons and fewer dropped to their knees in tears.  A disarming voice, promising safety, bliss, and love as long as you listened to it.

Maoilios stepped forward slightly, still shuddering, “Devourer you should not have returned to the Plane of Existence. It is cruel of you to use Erses’ form to strike fear into my men. I will act on behalf of Erses to banish you from this place.”

Felu strutted forward up to Maoilios resting her hand on his cheek. Everyone remained paralyzed around the two as Felu wrapped her arms over his shoulders. The fragment’s mouth opened as if to whisper slightly, but the forest continued to speak on its behalf, “We do not know of this Devourer you speak of, nor of this Erses. Your false deities mean nothing to The Caravan.” She brushed her lips up to his cheek, kissing him slightly.

“The Devourer would have us lose our faith,” Maoilios shouted to his followers before pushing away the fragment. Felu laughed slightly before skipping slightly into the clearing, her hands locked together behind her back. She turned back to the crowd before leaving her possession. The crowd watched as the hair, pigmentation, and eye color left the deer. As if it was being wiped away from the top down, the elf-like creature returned to the broken deer. Once the feet had returned to hooves, the deer buckled, blood gushing out of its snapped neck and its broken limbs.

===The First Owner of Felumaru===
===The First Owner of Felumaru===