Archive:The Council of Silence

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The Council of Silence:

What is the Councils of Silence?

The Council of Silence is a polytheistic religion which has been going for centuries, but has recently made a resurgence in the capital of Ashina. The Council of Silence aims to bring back order to a once peace and tranquil Alathra.

Origin of Religion:

In the beginning, Lutarr had this grand idea for a utopia of all living things. So he called off into the vast universe to gather together a Council of Celestials from far-off realms. Too large for the human mind to grasp. To create this utopia to bring peace or one can say silence to our realm that we call home. They were called the Council of Silence. Each one of the Council members played a part in the makings of every creature, but as they created them they seemed empty, lifeless. So Lutarr gave them life through the mind, and suddenly we were conscious. The other Gods wanted to contribute to this newfound consciousness and gave all beings the gift of touch, hearing, sight, smell, and taste. Without them we would be nothing, so we pray to them to give back for the gifts we have been blessed with. If you are worthy enough one might even get a response. So let us pray to the Council of Silence to restore order.

What happened to this Utopia?

The Great Tragedy:

The Council’s utopia was thriving for centuries. Everyone respected The Council and worshiped them accordingly. When one day Dresh the God of Observation had a vision of death and despair in the near future caused by the birth of a demon, but everyone brushed it off as a bad dream. “What could possibly happen to our Utopia, Dresh?” Lutarr laughed. “If this demon was as bad as you say, I’m sure you’d know everything that would happen! As you always do.” This gave a chuckle from the other Gods as they reassured Dresh everything would be fine. But  the day of reckoning finally came when a poor mother gave birth to a demon by the name of Arioch, who terrorized the land and unleashed chaos upon their wonderful utopia. Causing war and turmoil between creatures.

Soon the Gods began to panic as disease and famine plagued the land. Falling into dismay, Aroich appeared before them. Stating that it was the demons' rightful place to rule. Blinded by rage. Lutarr threw Arioch to edge of the universe, banishing them. Unaware of the consequences of the future. The Gods looked back to their once Utopia, saddened by irreparable damage. To this day Arioch’s spirit continues to terrorize mortals' souls convincing them to do harm. The Council of Silence vows to gain back what was lost, wanting nothing more than to bring back the Gods Utopia and shield everybody from Aroichs wrath. The Council may only speak about Arioch during blood moons or eclipses, as it's been believed the Gods do realize their followers need to learn about it, and during those times Kyuna deafens all of the Gods.