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Character Introductions
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The events pertaining to [[Ra'thra|Ra'thra's]] appearance in [[Haven]].
== Information ==
Participants: [[Ra'thra]], [[Aurelius]], [[Remora]], [[Llull Ancane (Vessel)|Llull]], [[Specz Arcanes|Specz]], [[Baaki of North Haven|Baaki]], [[Lucius Ottavius|Lucius]]
== RP Archive ==
=== Ra'thra's Arrival ===
=== Character Introductions Pre-Escape ===
Llull Ancane: I look up from my sleep, more bad dreams… although. Ari is still curled up on my right. We’ve been sitting in the pavement for days now waiting on Ottavius. I don’t know exactly what this Ra’thra is, but if we contained him the next steps should be easy. I shudder thinking back to my dreams of containment. Were they really dreams? Looking up at the sky, the clouds continue to darken even more than what I thought was possible. The sky is completely black, resembling a moonless starless night. The only lights in Haven now are the braziers and lanterns hanging.
I grab another wax candle and try to light it. The electricity springing from my fingertips to the yarn, slowly revealing a freshly birthed flame. Should I even stay here, I mean we already captured Ra’thra what else is there for me to do? I didn’t help much with that even, I don’t know why Baaki insisted I come with him. Although I owe these people something, Aurelius did save me from isolation. What would I be doing on Wok anyways, fishing and training with this flimsy wooden sword?
Ari perks up looking past me to the edge of the building. I look towards the direction and see a figure slowly moving towards me. The flame from my candle reveals Baaki, his dark complexion only interrupted by the small purple flames surrounding him. Strange creatures that exist among. I motion for him to sit next to me on the grass and ask, “So how long do you think they’re gonna make us wait?”
Baaki: "I know as little as you on that front Friend." Baaki replies before sitting with a sigh next to him. He reaches over and scratches between Ari's ears as he leans back. "Thanks for rushing out here on such short notice... while it was likely that I coulda stopped him without backup, it never hurts to have a friend watching your back." He says with a shy grin.
Llull: I'm still confused by this, Ra'thra seemed to just talk a lot. Maybe this storm speaks to something, but I haven't seen anything that would keep me worried. "Who is this Ra'thra, why are we worried about them? I just don't know if something else is happening that I'm missing."
Baaki: Baaki looks down with a sign. "You and me both friend. This feeling, this knowing that I have knowledge right there, right out of reach, is terrible. There is all of these things that I should remember but just cant." He clenches he hand tighly before realising it with another sigh. "At least im not alone with that pain, I know you at least understand friend."
Llull: Something darker is bother him, I can tell. I don't know much about Baaki's past, but this definitely isn't about Ra'thra anymore. "Baaki where did you come from, how did you end up in Lydoneia of all places if you dont mind?"
Baaki: Baaki jerks his head sharply to look at Llull, before he slowly drops it again and stares towards the horizon. "Thats... complicated." He says with a slight chuckle. "To the first one I cannot remember, the earliest thing i remember clearly is a void, there was nothing, no one, for long I just floated, almost in stasis." He says with a shiver. "But... I got out of that place, and stepped into this world. There was no one around me, just... this body." He says as if expecting to be repramended. "Its previous consiousness had already left it, it was an empty husk and I a formless mass, I took it so I could once again interact with the world." He says with his face hardening, still staring off into the distance. "I walked out of the building and found myself in a large town, Kias Kogong I later learn. I saw the owner of the town building down the street and ask him where I was. He stared at me in shock before he told me I was in the body of a friend of his." A regretful, small smile plays upon his lips, "He swifty told me to leave his sight before he removed me for being in that body. I saw water on two sides so I fled south, and found Haven. They took me in and helped me."
Llull: I look down at Ari sitting between us, the small fox looking back at me. I knew all too well what that feels like a body isn't your own. Were they really all dreams? "I know... I know what that's like." I felt the incisions from my dreams in my chest. "It's good you found Haven," I said weakly looking back up at Baaki. "Life is too hard on us sometimes." The incisions felt more and more real. "I didn't wake up in void, I woke in the snow, Ari curled up against me keeping me warm." I felt pressure rising within me. "And I don't even know if that's really the last thing I remember, I don't even think my name is Llull is my real name." I though back to how Baaki woke, in darkness everything empty in an empty husk. It reminds me all too well of my dreams. "But Baaki, we are here now right?" I could feel myself choking over these last words.
Baaki: "Yes friend, we are here now, and thats what matters." Baaki responds, sitting up swiftly while hesitently laying a hand on his friends shoulder, looking him in the eyes for the first time. "We may not remember our past, who we are, or what we have done, but we are here now. That I say for certain." Baaki then leans back again. "So... have you remembered anything that you believed you had forgotten, and if so how?" Baaki asks with feigned nonchalance but in reality desperately wanting to hear a positive answer.
Llull: I looked at Baaki and saw his desperation for an answer, he was lost. No memories, probably lacking a purpose he could call his own. Just like me. I had dreams, dreams that felt like memories the more they cycled through my head. But he had nothing, "Baaki, I..." my voice faltered knowing I couldn't give him an answer. "I wouldn't know how to get your memories back. I think I have mine, but those came to me in dreams." I could feels sparks between my finger tips and the floor. This wasn't about me it was about him, "Baaki, I don't know how to find your memories, but this is the Hospitolium. When Ottavius is done with this mess, I'm sure he can give you an answer with yours."
Baaki: Baaki slumped further down. "Yea... I figured that would be the case friend, but never hurts to ask." He said with one of those smiles that always hides inner pain. "So, what have you remembered through dream?" Baaki asked, slightly perking up at the thought of learning how his friends dreams taugh him of his past, at least being able to satisfy his curiosity if he couldnt find an answer to his own dilema.
Llull: I looked up to the darkened sky, what have I remember through dream? Probably my entire life if you could call it that. "If I go off my dreams..." I trailed off thinking this through, "I'm not a person, I'm an experiment. I've been cycling through the same dreams, until a new one unlocks itself. I'm pretty sure from what I've seen last night, my name isn't even Llull Ancane." I looked down at Ari, trying to get some support from this fox I woke up next to. But yet again, Ari is just a fox. "I woke up in the snow, and took the name inscribed on a bow: Llull Ancane. But my dreams had me wake up in a capsule, captured by what I think is the real Llull Ancane." I felt the suffocation of the capsule yet again, the words getting increasing harder to get out of my throat. "He grew me, us I mean, we were disposable bodies for him until he found the right one. Me and all my dead..." I trailed off looking at Baaki for some help, his blank face not returning that plea.  "Brothers. Brother's I'd call them. They all looked like my captor, I saw him throw them all out. He experimented on us, lastly on me." I could feel incisions again in my chest making it harder to breathe. "I don't know what happened to me or what happened to him." I felt the electricity slowly rising in my blood even more. "I don't even know who I am at this point." Rain I thought at first looking up at the darkened sky. Tears were slowly building my eyes. Ari climbed into my lap and looked up at me, Baaki awkwardly resting his hand on my shoulder. "I'm not Llull Ancane, Baaki. I'm a homunculus and nothing else..." I croaked as tears began to fall.
Aurelius: The door of Haven's hospitolium flings open, with Aurelius exiting in a hurry. "Sorry to interrupt. The main gate guards alerted me that Specz has arrived. Curious as to what this could be about." Without acknowledging the two Lydoneians sat outside, he looks up to the sky, seeing the storm growing more intensely. He frowns, motioning for Llull and Baaki to accompany him to the gate, meeting the mythical figure.
Llull: Llull wipes the tears away quickly as the towering statue enters the scene. Aurelius wasn't especially tall, Baaki being taller, but somehow he gave that impression nonetheless. "Who is Specz?" I said standing up to meet the leader of Haven.
Specz: Specz saw three unknown figures walk closer and closer to him. He was surrounded by beautiful buildings, if the storm wasn't so dark, he could study it more.  Specz was suprised. How hadn't he of been here before? "Hello. I am Specz Arcanes, Diplomat of Arcadia, Sorcerer of All. I have come here to inspect your problem." The people looked confused. "The storm" added Specz.
Aurelius: Seemingly ignoring Llull before, Aurelius points to Specz as they moved closer, answering his question. “The storm... what do you know of it?" said Aurelius curiously.
Specz: "Well, from what I can decipher so far. Albeit I have only seen it on the way here, it is a result of two powerful magical energies being too close together for too long. The results are bad, it will result in different atmospheric disturbances. Not just the storm." answered Specz. "Also hello you two." Specz said while offering his cracked hard-worked hands to Llull and Baaki.
"Do you guys have any clue to anything of the storm?"
Baaki: "he-hello" Baaki says, not accepting the hand but nodding towards the newcomer in greeting.
Llull: I follow in Baaki's lead remaining skeptical of Specz. After the conversation I just had, words aren't coming to me. I tilt my head at Specz, indicating I know nothing of the events occurring.
Specz: "You have looked up right, your whole town is in darkness!" exclaimed Specz to Llull. Specz could instantly feel it. Power or sense, Specz could feel it. Llull was overwhelmed, unbelievably upset and confused. " Should we go inside and talk, all three of us. Maybe we could find our terms with each other?"
Llull: "It's not my town, I don't know what I'm doing here," Lull exclaimed before pulling his head down and looking to Aurelius.
Aurelius: Aurelius nods and begins leading the group to the closest building as rain began to pour. He motions for the group to enter.
"Continue what you were saying, Specz. This is beginning to become a greater matter of concern that I could have ever predicted."
Specz: " Two forceful creatures have came to reck with us, all of us. Most of these storms are directed to a group of people and anyone involved will stay involved until it is over. Ever since I was small, I have been cursed with the thirst of knowledge and yet again we are stuck. Should we introduce ourseleves to each other?" The group nodded. " As I said, I am Specz Arcanes. I was born in a place far far away, called the Farlands. My family were royalty but I found my magic and from that night, I lived scavanging. Recording magical science. But I have found my residence, Kais Termina." That was the first time he had told anyone on these strange Alathran lands about his past. "What about you?"
Baaki: "My n-name is Baaki, I came into this world in arcadia and took this body, I have no knowledge of before then and wish to regain my memory and learn all I can." Baaki says shyly from his seat, sitting rigidly.
Aurelius: Aurelius looks toward Baaki, nods and looks back at Specz.
"I am Aurelius of Haven. I travelled to this land from Gaushan, my birthplace, in order to keep my brother safe. We started this city on the edges of what is now Lake Haven. Its growth gives me hope, but this curse... fills me with fear."
Specz: "And you?" Specz motioned at Llull
Llull: "Don't worry about me, just tell us about what's going on here," I said more tension filling my voice. I don't know these people and I don't owe anything to this man Specz.
Specz: Specz understood. It reminded him of his first days on Alathra. He didnt trust anyone then. Why should Llull
Ra’thra: As all was said the wind picked up. The thunder grew louder and intenser. The black sky would light up with flashes of brilliant light from time to time, until-
A bolt of lighting pierced the tomb of a fallen king.
The crash of this power could be heard from all over Haven. Ra’thra smiled,
"So, it has begun..."
Specz: "Oh no. It is getting worse. Do you mind if I settle at this beautiful city. It would be a pleasure to fight this storm with you. Well we have no choice anymore..."
Aurelius: Aurelius nods but shows some hesitation. He isn't entirely sure what the goals of the man in question were, and wished to find out more.
"You came to investigate the storm, but made no mention of the reason for the investigation. We introduced ourselves, and I can offer you a home. But first, you need to tell me why you're really here."
Ra’thra: The storm above seemed to grow stronger. Something was beginning to buildup.
Specz: " I am sorry Aurelius. I am deeply sorry for intruding without explanation. I want to learn more about the power sources of the storm. This.. storm is a conjuror of frightening yet mysterious events. I want to help you good people. And.. I want to make good friends. Friends that I can rely on. And I hope you three could be them.
Plato: At the same time a man stands on the shores of Coldfront, looking to the east.
“Strong wind is blowing. I can feel it. Hm. Do you think Specz is safe?”
The man looks at Resnov, one of the 3 polar bears in town. The animal gives a confused look and goes back to it’s house.
“It’s ok Res, I know that dinner is more important for you than the fate of an old friend”
Aurelius: Aurelius nods. "Anything that can help us get rid of whatever that thing is."
Specz: "Alright, well see you soon friends!" Specz said excitedly, in all his 230 years he had only had 3 friends. Noodle, Plato and Tilly. And yet he still didn't know what they thought of him. It was time to get friendly with the locals. "Aurelius, I assume you are mayor of this town. Would you care to show me to shelter?"  Specz had forgotten about his goblin. The goblin, carrying all of the mages belongings, was drenched and being thrown around by two lydoneian guards. “Oh for goodness sake Larry! Next time, keep up.” remarked Specz. He was disappointed in the green hobbit. The Lydoneian soldiers marched out of the room, dropping Larry on the floor.
Aurelius: "Of course." Aurelius motions for Specz to follow him, hoping the others in the room would follow suit. As they make their way into downtown Haven, the rain and thunder began to get worse, nearly shaking the ground with every rumble. The two floor home that Aurelius lead Specz to was top of the line - commissioned and supervised by Aurelius himself.
"Well... here we are. Nothing much here besides the basics."
Llull: The basics I thought to himself, entering the solid quartz and marble house. All I'd experienced were the sandy beaches on the floor. I stood behind Aurelius, ready to intervene if something were to happen.
Specz: Specz noticed the timid Llull, “Llull, where do you stay?” questioned Specz. Wherever he did stay he mustn’t of had a fair bed as Llull’s eyes    had sagging pale bags under them. “Thank you Aurelius! We should talk in a minute.” Specz added
Llull: I ignored the question, the conversation at hand didn't need me to respond
Aurelius: "Specz, perhaps we should just speak now."
Aurelius looks at Llull, frowning, and back to Specz.
Specz: “Do you two know any, force. We’re you met with the man who smells of death. The alive corpse, that rots?” asked Specz. “I have a suspicion this could be the result of someone like him…”
Aurelius: Aurelius' face tightens. "Is this Ra'thra you speak of?"
Specz: Specz face shrivelled and swelled. His hypothesis was correct “Yes, yes it is..”
Aurelius: "Is that really why you're here?" says Aurelius, moving closer to Specz, slowly tightening his fists in anger.
Specz: “Ra’thra visited me..” Aurelius drawn his hand to his sword. “Wait… I had never seen him, or heard him before. He asked me to make ‘the mind that creates.’” Llull stood next to Aurelius, both with their hands gripped on their swords. “What has he done, what is the matter with him?”
Aurelius: Aurelius loosens his grip, seeing that Specz is oblivious to what is happening, and somewhat afraid. "You know nothing? I find it... odd that you show up here, investigating the storm, giving a perfect description of the thing that's going to burn this city to the ground." He scoffs and looks to Specz, hoping that he gives a satisfying answer.
Specz: “Only a mastermind could have made this plan, an evil needy mastermind. Ra’thra left me a book, ‘The Arcane Project’. Inside left diagrams plenty. Their was a page for a pouring disaster. It was vague and mysterious. “
“I don’t know anything of Ra’thra, all I know is that he wants the mind that creates, a simple term used for the main object in one of the spiritual rituals. Ra’thra scared me. All I need to know is what he has done, and why we should stop him. I will answer every question you all have.”
Aurelius: Aurelius sighs. "Ra'thra has cursed me and my city." He reaches to his tunic, slightly pulling it down over the shoulder, revealing a basalt-like texture to his skin - nothing like the appearance he was known for. "I have been cursed with great pain, both physically and mentally. His goal is to make Haven the host of whatever this monster is. I cannot allow this to happen."
Specz: Specz is shocked. He was in contact with the very monster who is trying to make Haven a parasite. “How dare he!” exclaimed Specz. “Do you mind if I take a look?” questioned Specz, pointing at Aurelius’ arm.
Aurelius: Aurelius obliges, pulling back the tunic.
Specz: Specz inspects the corrupted arm, he whistles for Larry, his goblin. “Pandcell Extractor!” The goblin squirmed and handed his master the tool. After a minute of focused silence: “ Whatever Ra’thra has done, he has done it well, but not well enough. In a matter of 20 hours I could make a process to clear the disease and free you from the state. This will not reverse the curse however. Haven will still be a ticking bomb and the curse will be as free as ever. It is hard for me to make conclusions without little to none explanation of this curse of of Ra’thra
Aurelius: "You'll have to forgive me, Specz, but I'm a bit of a skeptic." The look on Aurelius' face signaled confusion, that of which he was justified in feeling. How can the physical effect of this curse be lifted after it had plagued him for so long? He continued, "I guess I can go through with this, however, I believe there's something we need to discuss first."
Specz: “I understand. You have to trust me, this has been what I have been doing for around 200 years.”
“All I want to do is help. Believe me.”
“What would you like to discuss?”
Aurelius: "The only way you can earn my trust is to denounce Ra'thra and help us take him down." Aurelius knows this is an ultimatum, but he trusts that Specz will make the right decision.
Specz: “Yes” With one word, Specz’s trust was nurtured. He was trusted. Specz remembered when he fought the terrible spirits and trapped the most disgusting creatures. Specz was proud, it was time to do it again. “Llull, I trust you and I hope the feeling is mutual.” Specz tried one more time. He held out his cracked, hard-working hands in front of Aurelius and Llull.
Llull: I was unsure of what to do here and looked to Aurelius to take the lead. I still didn't entirely understand who Ra'thra is, but maybe we do need to work together with Specz to take them down.
Aurelius: Aurelius was satisfied. "Whatever sort of work you must do, you have my permission. While it is easy to earn my trust, keeping it is difficult." Aurelius sat down in the wooden chair near the door, looking like he was in much pain. "Let's get this over with."
