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== The Beginning of The Hive ==
The Hive thrived before any creature had learned of its existence. It was discovered and rehidden time and again by explorers,(insert first discoverers)KnightOfNotch had discovered it first, theythen attemptedexplorers Shepsicle and ImmaNotScope had gone and discovered The Hive aswell. Attempts were made to domesticate theand farm the bees but learned taking them from the hive and interfering with them reduced the population. After a very evident failed attempt they decided to leave the hive bee and keep it a secret, leaving the bees behind and not disturb them again. Then Ashina explorers had found The Hive. They had found the substance of Concentrated Wild Bee Honey however were wiser then the first explorers and left the bees undisturbed for a time longer. It continued undisturbed until a pair of individuals, Thaeorn had found it and decided to announce its existence to the world. Shortly after the pair of theyhe found and shared its existence theyhe decided to renovate the area, however after a fair amount of time theyhe decided to sell it. When the eventual new buyer, Ausgint, of The Hive, Ausgint, came upon it, they were told nothing aside for the bees drop ghast tears and that they could destroy everything but the spawner; however, in a moment of miss information and the fatal end to the concentrated wild bee honey, the fabled barrel that would hold the wild honey was destroyed. Forever destroying the Concentrated Wild Bee Honey production. The server was in uproar, and a elf by the name of Dessious took great concern, Dessious and Ausgint attempted to restore and conserve the wild bee population. However it was once again sold and all efforts were destroyed. The Hive was hence fourth reduced to a minor fraction of its original power, no new wild bees that produce the wild honey have been made, and all the bees that spawn from the hive now lack any sense of action. The current wild bees that are far from the original generation now are lobotomized, they do not produce anything but the ghast tears it they give upon death.
[[File:Current Status of The Hive.png|thumb|Current Status of The Hive]]
[[File:Concentrated Wild Bee Honey Stats.png|thumb|Concentrated Wild Bee Honey Stats]]
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=== Knowledge on Remaining Original Wild Bees ===
The remaining original wild bees have been spread all through alathraAlathra, it is well known though not brought up much that Ashina has wild bees, though no one is sure how many but them. Many others have been lost due to trading and kept as shelf items, split and spread merely to be a trophy and given to the rich to be forgotten about in time. Few attempts have been made by those with more then just a few wilds bees to create a pseudo hive. All attempts that are known have failed, virtually no one has been able to make a new hive and for all intents and purposes. Its pretty much confirmed that the only place the wild bees can survive outside is in their original hive, as all attempts have lead to death of any wild bee related to it. Any attempts at recreating or trying to find new Concentrated Wild Bee Honey has also come in failure. In the hives current state, and most likely forever in time, Wild Bee Honey will never be seen again except for what may have been cultivated before the destruction of the hive.
=== Attempts at Restoring The Hive ===
