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-Insert Ashina/balakay story- [[File:Current Status of The Hive.png|thumb|Current Status of The Hive]]
[[File:Concentrated Wild Bee Honey Stats.png|thumb|Concentrated Wild Bee Honey Stats]]
=== Concentrated Wild Bee Honey & Wild Bees ===
===== Concentrated Wild Bee Honey =====
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Wild Bees are a specific and rare breed of bees that dwell in the underground hive. They are susceptible to disease, are fire resistant, and cant be bred by force. They are the first generation of Wild Bees as some are named and some arnt, however, no more can be made as of this moment. They are a slowly dwindling breed as they are sold one by one to collectors, or to people trying to make pseudo hives of their own. The generations after the 1st are called by many as the "lobotomized". Immobile, emotionless, they provide nothing nor do anything aside for ghast tears. They do not produce the Concentrated Wild Bee Honey, and seem to lack any ability what so ever aside for resting in place on the ground.
=== Attempts at Remaking a Hive ===
Though unsuccessful, people in the past have tried to collect and or buy original generation Wild Bees to try and make a hive of their own. Few attempts have been made due to their scarcity, and none to public knowledge have succeeded. The Hive itself is but a husk of its former glory, and each owner scrapes it more and more. As Wild Bees cannot be bred and they cannot be produced in any artificial way, many have given up on recreating The Hive or making their own pseudo hive. Lethos and Ashina had advised to conserve the Wild Bees from the start in attempts to restore The Hive, unable to attain ownership of it until recent history after so much damage. It will be left to see if anyone can restore The Hive, but any chance at recreating the Concentrated Wild Bee Honey even if hive restoration is successful will have to be left for time to tell.
