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=== History of The Hive ===
In the beginning The Hive was undisturbed, left to flourish in seclusion. One fateful day it was discovered by KnightOfNotch, who shared his findings with Shepsicle and ImmaNotScope. Together they kept The Hives existence a secret and tried to domesticate some which failed sadly. However, among the whispers and common talk of the world it appeared Shepsicle had let it slip to a man named Falcon. He swiftly claimed it as apart of Blocksburg but after the town fell The Hive was inherited by Stampy. After some time he thought about renting spaces to help the upkeep but was unaware of the hives true potential. Eventually due to a mixture of needing money for projects and not wanting to deal with The Hive anymore he sold it to a man named Ausgint. Upon his ownership he cored alot of the hive and was simply told it was a great way to farm ghast tears, however as only a choice few knew the true power of the hive Ausgint broke the fabled bee barrel that held what will later be learned was the Concentrated Wild Bee honey. Dessious would come and help Ausgint somewhat repair The Hive as after the Wild Bees had been slaughtered they no longer were the originals, but instead a lobotomized version of them. When Ausgint realized he couldnt make a profit aswell he sold it to a man named Nugget. Nugget would hold onto The Hive for a long length of time while all talk of The Hive died down. Eventually it would be sold a group previously known Fossores, which merged with Ashina, and aswas ofowned nowby Balakay. Soon after, Balakay sold it to Pinchman who is runthe bycurrent Balakayowner and restorer of The Hive. [[File:Current Status of The Hive.png|thumb|Current Status of The Hive]]
[[File:Concentrated Wild Bee Honey Stats.png|thumb|Concentrated Wild Bee Honey Stats]]
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== Attempts at Remaking a Hive ==
Though unsuccessful, people in the past have tried to collect and or buy original generation Wild Bees to try and make a hive of their own. Few attempts have been made due to their scarcity, and none to public knowledge have succeeded. The Hive itself is but a husk of its former glory, and each owner scrapes it more and more. As Wild Bees cannot be bred and they cannot be produced in any artificial way, many have given up on recreating The Hive or making their own pseudo hive. Lethos and Ashina had advised to conserve the Wild Bees from the start in attempts to restore The Hive, unable to attain ownership of it until recent history after so much damage. It will be left to see if anyone can restore The Hive, but any chance at recreating the Concentrated Wild Bee Honey even if hive restoration is successful will have to be left for time to tell.|
