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The remaining original wild bees have been spread all through alathra, it is well known though not brought up much that Ashina has wild bees, though no one is sure how many but them. Many others have been lost due to trading and kept as shelf items, split and spread merely to be a trophy and given to the rich to be forgotten about in time. Few attempts have been made by those with more then just a few wilds bees to create a pseudo hive. All attempts that are known have failed, virtually no one has been able to make a new hive and for all intents and purposes. Its pretty much confirmed that the only place the wild bees can survive outside is in their original hive, as all attempts have lead to death of any wild bee related to it. Any attempts at recreating or trying to find new Concentrated Wild Bee Honey has also come in failure. In the hives current state, and most likely forever in time, Wild Bee Honey will never be seen again except for what may have been cultivated before the destruction of the hive.
=== Attempts at Restoring The Hive ===
Though gone unheeded, the nations of Lethos and Ashina advised to conserve the wild bees in a attempt to restore The Hive, to stop destroying the hive and to leave it bee to thrive on its own. Alas, no one listened, many wild bees had died during attempts to remake the hive elsewhere and it was further reduced to what is now seen today. Had the advice been taken and restoration undergone perhaps wild bees would return and a chance at the fabled royal jelly. Now, with so few remaining, wild bees and their royal jelly are virtually extinct. Few attempts have been had at restoring The Hive but they have all fallen through due to miss management or The Hive once again trading hands and being sold.
