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| name = Twyst
| honorific_suffix =
| image = [[File:Twysted.jpg|thumb]]
| alt = alt
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| birth_date =
| birth_place = Unknown
| disappeared_date =
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| resting_place_coordinates =
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| nationality = Unknown
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| occupation = Assassin
| organization = Pact of the Immortal Blood
| known_for = Enforcing Arcadian defence and Leading Ashina
| height = 5'11
<big>'''Twyst'',''''' ''also known as Twist or Twisted, is a widely known player across Alathra. He is infamous for his ability to strike fear into the hearts of people via his mastery in combat, often winning almost every duel he is in. Large powerful empires and bloodthirsty warlords have paid him exorbitant amounts of money to stay out of wars, knowing his destructive capability. Few specific details or motivations are known about Twyst'' but he generally worked in the mercenary field, fighting for a good price and a challenging fight. Recently however; Twyst_Twyst was invited to the infamous Pact of Immortal Blood, a merciless group of powerful players who have been known to meddle in the political affairs of Alathra. It is unknown what he intends to do now.</big>
=== Pre-Alathra ===
<big>Not much is known of what Twyst's life was like before his summoning in Alathra. Prior to the current events all that he has recorded is stated in a book that he had written documenting the experience in shift from his own world to this new one. "I remember the subtle pain in my chest, my dear friend's sword had pierced my body, it had pierced by soul. myMy vision was fading. Flashes. Until eventually I had fully given in and blacked out, iI expected to see a bright light, or rather the fiery pits of hell, but no, as I opened up my eyes I was laying on a shore with the sun's warmth blanketing my body and the sand's grains cushioning my head. I did not question how or why or when I had arrived here, all I knew was that in my conscious this was a begginingbeginning to a new story, a new journey that someone had written into a page, a page in a book of my new life."</big>
=== The Homo-Town War ===
[[File:2021-08-16 17.57.32.png|thumb|Preperation of the defenders before the siege on Homo-Town by Elyrian Forces]]
<big>Twyst joined the server on August 15th, 2021. It is rumored he came from another realm with some similarities to Alathra. Shortly after arriving, he fought in the Defense of Homo Town onsiding thewith side of[[Ashina (Nation)|Ashina]]. Lead by the Elder [[Shepsicle|Shepiscle]], the Ashinian army of minutemen charged into battle against the Grand Army of [[Elyria]] where they were quickly slaughtered and outmatched by the more battle hardened Gaushan Soldiers. Notably, a suspected friend of Twyst “ukxs” fought courageously, holding off many of the Elyrian soldiers single handedly, some say he was using the elusive Concentrated Bee Honey but this is unconfirmed. Other notable players known to be connected to Twyst in some way were “ICeleste”“[[Celeste|ICeleste]]”, now Mayor of Peachfield and “Albania”, now Prince of Spadecrown. Twyst himself, though a proficient fighter, was taken aback by the Elyrians’ seemingly God-like abilities to smash through armor and effortlessly rip soldier’s weapons right from their hands but it wouldn’t be long until he learned of how to acquire these powers and how to wield them better than the Elyrians ever did. This sheer display of power and ability by Elyria to cut down his friends one by one would sow within Twyst a deep desire for vengeance and power and is believed to be one of his few clear motivations. Following the devastating defeat at Homo Town, Twyst disappeared from the server for a while with few realizing the great impacts he would eventually come to have on Alathra as a whole in the future.</big>
=== Return to Alathra ===
[[File:Frost Walker.png|thumb|302x302px|Twyst's old house in the town of Frost Walker]]
<big>Around September 17th, 2021, Twyst ''reappeared on the server and joined the capital of [[Arcadian Altanate|Arcadia]] “Wahat“[[Wahat Almarjan”Almarjan]]” where he resided for around a week. Shortly after this, Arcadia bought most of Southada’s territory, leading to it’s dissolution as a political entity. With this purchase came the acquisition of the village of Winterhallow (now Eldia) and the jewel of the great southern nation “Frost Walker” (now Coldfront). The problem was, Arcadia lacked any willing citizens to take up the mayor role in Frost Walker, however; knowing it’s quality of being an excellent training ground for warriors, Twyst'' stepped up to the task. From there, Twyst ''quickly became a very pivotal citizen of Arcadia as he had begun to deeply study the true nature of the skills that the Elyrians had used against him and his companions at the devastation of Homo Town. He would then devote a great amount of time to training his skills, fighting hordes of meager undead foes that lurked on the rough icey plains of the surrounding area. Eventually, after a massive amount of training, Twyst'' surpassed a total power level of 9000 in game, and then soon after, 10000. No other player besides [[Thaeorn]] had ever even come close to these kinds of stats and yet he had done it. Twyst_ had effectively become a demi-god, able to cut through enemies like they were nothing. His own bare fists were lethal to kill an armored person in a few hits. He had surpassed what the Elyrians were, he had reached a new plain of power, one that almost no other Alathran had actualized.</big>
=== Mayorship of Peachfield ===
[[File:Peach Renovations.png|thumb|362x362px|Arcadian renovations within Peachfield's castle after the purchase of the town]]
<big>Around late October of 2021, the beginning of the end of the famed Elyrian Empire was marked by the merge between it and the relatively new nation, Stahlfaust, forming the seemingly powerful but ultimately weak state of "[[Stahlfaust-Elyria]]". From there, the empire began to crumble as members left and or grew inactive with the true final blow being during the second great war where Stahlfaust and Elyria broke up and solo Elyria was dealt multiple devastating defeats by the Second Entente. This all eventually lead to [[Peachfield]] being sold to the [[Arcadian Altanate]], of which the money used for this purchase was namely provided by Ausgint, Raistron, and Twyst_, the latter of all would become the new mayor of the now dethroned capital. This was the ultimate sign of true domination, that Twyst had become the lord of the very capital which had defeated him and his friends in the very beginning of his time on Alathra, he had conquered Elyria's red apple and brought it under a new flag.</big>
=== Empireship of Ashina ===
<big>Around the end of December 2021, Twyst grew bored of living within Peachfield’s castle walls, despite having a tremendous amount of land and a more than reliable source of constant income it still did not feel right to him, as if he believed that there was more opportunity and purpose out in the world. After a few days of planning Twyst decided to talk to a principle of Alathra’s history and a well known leader of the great nation of [[Ashina (Nation)|Ashina]], this man was KnightOfNotch and he would grant Twyst the chance to accomplish much more than already achieved. Twyst with a rare smile on his face had accepted it and left his former nation, the Arcadian Altanate, from there he moved onto the Northern East continent and would begin to work endlessly to construction up a town from the ground up, this town would go by the name of Suijin and much to everyone’s surprise had become the main capital of Ashinian Nation when Twyst was handed down the title of Emperor. Feeling bad for Ashina’s stagnant activity and it’s unfortunate slipping off the world stage he had conducted a project and plan to rebuild this once great empire and thanks to the connections he had already, influence, dedication and cooperation of the Ashinian people the nation started to see growth, the continent started to see life and the world started to see a miracle. A lot say that a man by the name of Stixelot (Twyst’s long time friend) had a major impact on the construction and designing side of the project as he has built most of the shops and houses within the town of Suijin. A few blissful weeks flew by as more and more accomplishments and growth had started to stack with the creation of 3 new towns, recruitment of 16 new Ashinians and the reclaim of an old town that went by the name of [[Redna]] and even the reuniting of ex-ashnians by the names of ImmaNotScope and [[Lixionit IV|Lixionit]] who ran the towns of [[Faron]] and [[New Ashina City]], however with that more thoughts on a lack of purpose made their way into Twyst’s head, owning Peachfield did not feel right to him and now neither has running one of Alathra’s most influential and important nations so with that an end to Twyst’s rule was witnessed once he decided enough was done to help the prior leader get him and his nation back on their feet. Packing shulkers and carrying equipment Twyst left on a journey in search of the one thing that could make him feel whole.</big>
<big>Around the end of ''December of 2021, The great nation of Ashina was at an all time low of dormant inactivity and the separation of its territory which was conducted by the mayor of Faron (ImmaNotScope) and mayor of New Ashina City (Lixiniot).'' Twyst noticed this and was upset that an empire with such history and reputation was starting to fade away, so he decided to take the opportunity and discuss with its president (KnightOfNotch). From there the both agreed that he could become the new leader and try replenish Ashina’s reputation and status on the world stage. He joined the nation and created a town by the name of Suijin, this would be the new capital of Ashina after Twyst had received the title of leader 2 weeks later. Using the connections he already had, fresh resources that grew and lay on the continent as well as trust that was built up within the nation he had managed to bring in 16 new members, 3 new towns, solidify its alliance with the Arcadian Altanate, Bring back the island of Redna (formerly known as Lyon) back into Ashina’s claims and ultimately revived the activity and life which settled on the continent. Even though this was all accomplished he realised he never truly enjoyed leading a nation, let alone being in one. So once he decided that enough was done to help the prior leader get back on his feet Twyst said a sudden farewell and went out into the world of Alathra in search of something to fit his role in life, hopefully offering a purpose he so desperately desired.</big>
=== Path of the cloak-and-dagger ===
[[File:Twyst PIB.jpg|thumb|283x283px|Portrait of Twyst in common P.I.B robes (art by Alvin Flang)]]
<big>During his travels and search for a purpose Twyst had heard rumours from his mutuals that used to work with him on Mercenary jobs that there settled an infamous league of assassins which were stationed down south on the continent of [[Gaushan]], the same continent which the town of peachfieldPeachfield stood. After an overtaxing effort of travel which took several days through the blistering cold tundra and Tiagas he had finally located their base of operations, a hooded shadowy individual stood there with a cloak that that blew back and forth from the intense freezing winds. This individual would be the Archon of the guild and Twyst’s recruiter, his name was VonDaConMon but he preferred to refer to him as just “Von”. No one knows why or how Twyst was able to join the group so easily but for one thing everyone knew of their name, they were called the [[Pact of the Immortal Blood|Pact Of the Immortal Blood.]]</big>
=== Current activities within the Pact Of the Immortal Blood ===
[[File:Pib copy.jpg|thumb|The announcement made displaying the revival of P.I.B (art by Alvin Flang)]]
<big>During his time in [[P.I.B.|P.I.B]], Twyst was exposed to the combat techniques that the Archon of the group (VonDaConMon) used during his assassinations and conflict encounters. Twyst learned to use these himself and implemented his own moves into them to create his own style of fighting, this salvaged the mercenary and outnumbered situation techniques Twyst was used to and was mixed in with the more refined assassin tricks to create a method of fighting that was both lethal and versatile as well as swift but less flashy. During his earlier hits he attempted these on the targets but unfortunately due to it being a new form of fighting that was not as memorable as his last, the target he was assigned of eliminating managed to barely get away into safety, this was target was the man known as [[Melevor]]. A blunder like this struck Twyst to the point of great anger but was quickly defused by his new code that helped controlled the inner rage, the code of respecting those that have gotten away from his grasp on their own, so he decided to not do another attempt on the nation leader’s life and allow him to live. Proceeding from this event a thought entered his mind. During the failed attempt the only reason Melevor was able to barely escape a brutal death was the fact that the sword Twyst had used was too short to slow to land the final slash on him. This ignited the idea on a new weapon which would have the length of a sword, the strength of an axe but the speed that would outdo both. This weapon would be a scythe which contained great and unholy power. His question to construct such an item would begin.</big>
=== <big>Obtaining the Twysted Fang</big> ===
<big>AThe continent upof in[[Ashina]] thewas Northwhat Easthe regionbelieved ofto Alathra named Ashina wasbe the perfect place to start, Twyst knew this since at the time of his period of temporary rule over both the continent and its nation he had heard of untouched materials within the caves walls that littered the lands. It only took a few days of mining and a few more of successfully smelting to acquire the amount of diamonds he needed, this was not enough however since regular weapons used this same exact material. Mixing in different durable materials with the diamonds would be the plan in order to achieve the properties such an item needed. Yet again he had heard rumours of a new level of rock and gems that lay hidden beneath what was originally believed to be the deepest one could mine, and so Twyst travelled to the Far Eastern continent of Prospit which was under Ashina, the same place that began this quest. After several months of exhausting and excruciating mining in the hardest rock layer deep deep below [[Prospit|Prospit’s]] surface a crack of white stone was seen through the rough hard deepslate after the last hack of his pickaxe. Further in Twyst noticed the colour of mystical purple that had surrounded him as if it was gently engulfing anything that entered. This beauty would be the amethyst geode that would supply him with all the shards needed to mend into the scythe, it would also act as a calming agent to his psyche as it is believed this gem helps those manage their fear and anger and the said weapon he was about to create would undoubtedly contain all unimaginable negative emotions. Finally the last and most important content would be the pure coal that was collected during a meteorite exposition, luckily for him he collected one before they suddenly stopped pouring from the skies one day, this pure coal would replace the process of needing to add the estimated 10 netherite ingots as a single piece of pure coal was 10 times stronger. The journey back to the bunker of P.I.B was relaxing as the hardest parts were done but in its entirety, the mission was not done yet. Twyst put all the materials together on a smooth blackstone table and looked at his old ally and good friend Stixelot in the eye, all he muttered was “you know what to do”. The longest 4 days of his life was constant clanging, clinging, heat and smelting, this had passed until eventually the weapon, the solution to his biggest and most troublesome hurdle had been created. The scythe that would grant the ability to match his physical capabilities in combat and even capture and store the despair of his victims seconds before their death as it was fuelled by Twyst’s pure malice and was only balanced out by the amethyst shards that were forged into the blade. He would call this item “Twysted Fang” and it would be the key that opened the door which blocked him from further success on assassinations and fights alike.</big>