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===Return to Alathra===
[[File:Frost Walker.png|thumb|302x302px|Twyst's old house in the town of Frost Walker]]
Around September 17th, 2021, Twyst ''reappeared on the server and joined the capital of [[Arcadian Altanate|Arcadia]] “[[Wahat Almarjan]]” where he resided for around a week. Shortly after this, Arcadia bought most of Southada’s territory, leading to it’s dissolution as a political entity. With this purchase came the acquisition of the village of Winterhallow (now Eldia) and the jewel of the great southern nation “Frost Walker” (now Coldfront). The problem was, Arcadia lacked any willing citizens to take up the mayor role in Frost Walker, however; knowing it’s quality of being an excellent training ground for warriors, Twyst'' stepped up to the task. From there, Twyst ''quickly became a very pivotal citizen of Arcadia as he had begun to deeply study the true nature of the skills that the Elyrians had used against him and his companions at the devastation of Homo Town. He would then devote a great amount of time to training his skills, fighting hordes of meager undead foes that lurked on the rough icey plains of the surrounding area. Eventually, after a massive amount of training, Twyst'' surpassed a total power level of 9000 in game, and then soon after, 10000. No other player besides [[Thaeorn]] had ever even come close to these kinds of stats and yet he had done it. Twyst_ had effectively become a demi-god, able to cut through enemies like they were nothing. His own bare fists were lethal to kill an armored person in a few hits. He had surpassed what the Elyrians were, he had reached a new plain of power, one that almost no other Alathran had actualized.
===Mayorship of Peachfield===
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Politics tend to bore Twyst greatly, he finds anything to be fine as long as decisions made are fast and with minimal argument. He also lacks morals and even more so after joining P.I.B, with only a certain few he truly cares for or finds tolerable enough to respect and never harm.
=== <big><u>Personal opinionsOpinions on notableNotable people</u></big>People ===
'''''-[[Game Glider SKG|Glider Fraemani of Arcadia]]'''''
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“Elder Notch and Iman Scope, you both had entered my lives at the perfect moment, I thought at first you were searching for someone like me but in reality I was hit with the fact that I was indeed the one searching for someone like you. Your wisdom and knowledge both opened up new doors in my journey, especially the unique breathing tricks and meditation exercises that’s assisted me in beating the rage which commonly builds up inside me. I owe you both.”
=== <big><u>Personal Code</u></big> ===
After the failed assassination of Melevor, Twyst had developed a new code of respecting those that on their own successfully manage to escape his attempts on their life, even though it is a failed hit he will not attempt another unless the client pays for another hit.
=== <u>The searchSearch for a reason</u>Reason ===
Twyst has always believed he lacked a true purpose in the world of Alathra, his attempt to accomplish great things or surpass people or things has shown no sign in giving him the answers, and so he is constantly on the move and challenging himself looking for those same answers. One day hopefully finding them.
