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=== The Plan ===
[[File:Starlandia Coup.png|thumb|332x332px|The angry coup uniting against Starline]]
After a few months of preparation and strategising the perfect plan had started to take action, this plan involved Twyst infiltrating a nation called “Starlandia” and with some persuasion it was successful as he had joined their ranks and even obtained an official passport. The main goal was to get the nation to go to war with another by the name of “The Desert Jewels” which would lead to a coup d’etat within the country in result of its members assuming their leader “Starline” was the reason why it had started. While twystTwyst was making his way up the ranks he had instructed Aeon to keep tabs on the Desert Jewels while having Stix and Chronos work on the main base of operations. After a week Twyst had managed to become a high ranking in their military by pretending to be a spy. He would go on to fake an espionage on the Desert Jewels and lie to Starline by informing him that they were planning on taking over the nation, Starline fell for this trick rather easily as both he and the leader of the Desert Jewels (Celest) were both on bad terms. Since Starlandia started preparing for a fake take-over Twyst unknown to Starline was also informing Celest that Starlandia was preparing to take-over their nation instead and due to the evidence taken of them preparing for what they assumed was a siege on their country Celest had fallen for it and rallied up troops to defend his nation. A month had passed and both sides were at the verge of war without any suspicion on the double agent within their ranks. Twyst and Aeon told Starline to attack early as to get the jump on them before a fake Desert Jewel siege was going to happen and then they both informed Celest to prepare somewhere in order to be at an advantageous position. Finally a battle had begun however in order to get a coup to start, Starlandia would have to lose and so with a surprise to everyone, Twyst, Aeon, Chronos and Stix popped out from behind the desert’s pillars and quickly eliminated the betrayed Starlandian forces. While Starline was retreating back, Twyst’s group was rallying up a bunch of Starlandia’s citizens by telling them “their nation was going to fall because of their incompetent and selfish leader.” This angered and fuelled the people and by the time Starline had arrived back to his base, there waiting was an entire army of furious Starlandian citizens, Desert Jewel warriors and Twyst with his operators waiting and pointing up weapons towards him. Starline’s life was sparred in return of him being dethroned.
=== A Last Ditch Effort ===
After the successful plan was completed Twyst had realised that this event would produce the opposite effect he had wanted, people were beginning to see peace and no more wars or conflict would seem to occur. His final and grand plan would now start to move into effect as a last ditch effort to see the tougher world he had envisioned. On the 1st of February the first ever elections for a mayor of the Spawn region was being held and so Twyst had decided to run for mayorship. In order for people to come together and unite he assumed the best method of achieving this would be to create a strong enough antagonist in the realm that would force people to call arms. So with that in mind he made ominous and unfavourable statements like “Once I become mayor you will all start to see order, I will make an obsidian wall that is as tall as the clouds and as thick as the mountains around our region.” As well as “I will introduce taxes to cleanse out those that cannot sustain themselves or others and this money will be used to what I personally think benefits me.” Many doubted him to be elected with statements like this and they would have been right if Twyst had not already rigged the votes. A few hours later the votings were counted and it was announced that Twyst had won. Construction of the obsidian wall had begun, the poor were kicked out, roads were transformed into soul sand paths and depression was at an all time high. As all the pieces were falling into place an unfortunate factor was seeming to not take place, everyone was too afraid to go against Twyst and his anger to this was building up. [[File:Binding armour.png|thumb|301x301px|Twyst in his infamous "curse of binding armour" before the final duel]]
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Twyst joined the server on August 15th, 2021. It is rumored he came from another realm with some similarities to Alathra. Shortly after arriving, he fought in the Defense of Homo Town siding with [[Ashina (Nation)|Ashina]]. Lead by the Elder [[Shepsicle|Shepiscle]], the Ashinian army of minutemen charged into battle against the Grand Army of [[Elyria]] where they were quickly slaughtered and outmatched by the more battle hardened Gaushan Soldiers. Notably, a suspected friend of Twyst “ukxs” fought courageously, holding off many of the Elyrian soldiers single handedly, some say he was using the elusive Concentrated Bee Honey but this is unconfirmed. Other notable players known to be connected to Twyst in some way were “[[Celeste|ICeleste]]”, now Mayor of Peachfield and “Albania”, now Prince of Spadecrown. Twyst himself, though a proficient fighter, was taken aback by the Elyrians’ seemingly God-like abilities to smash through armor and effortlessly rip soldier’s weapons right from their hands but it wouldn’t be long until he learned of how to acquire these powers and how to wield them better than the Elyrians ever did. This sheer display of power and ability by Elyria to cut down his friends one by one would sow within Twyst a deep desire for vengeance and power and is believed to be one of his few clear motivations. Following the devastating defeat at Homo Town, Twyst disappeared from the server for a while with few realizing the great impacts he would eventually come to have on Alathra as a whole in the future.[[File:Frost Walker.png|thumb|302x302px|Twyst's old house in the town of Frost Walker|left]]
===Return to Alathra===
Around September 17th, 2021, Twyst reappeared on the server and joined the capital of [[Arcadian Altanate|Arcadia]] “[[Wahat Almarjan]]” where he resided for around a week. Shortly after this, Arcadia bought most of Southada’s territory, leading to it’s dissolution as a political entity. With this purchase came the acquisition of the village of Winterhallow (now Eldia) and the jewel of the great southern nation “Frost Walker” (now Coldfront). The problem was, Arcadia lacked any willing citizens to take up the mayor role in Frost Walker, however; knowing it’s quality of being an excellent training ground for warriors, Twyst stepped up to the task. From there, Twyst quickly became a very pivotal citizen of Arcadia as he had begun to deeply study the true nature of the skills that the Elyrians had used against him and his companions at the devastation of Homo Town. He would then devote a great amount of time to training his skills, fighting hordes of meager undead foes that lurked on the rough icey plains of the surrounding area. Eventually, after a massive amount of training, Twyst surpassedfound himself capable of piercing armour with only a totalfew powerstrikes, levelstealing ofweapons 9000from inenemies gamehands, pin pointing weak spots in archery shots and theneven sooninflicting afterharder hits with the strike of his sword, 10000much more than people who could already do this. No other player besides [[Thaeorn]] had ever even come close to these kinds of statsoverall strength and yet he had done it. Twyst_Twyst had effectively become a demi-god, able to cut through enemies like they were nothing. His own bare fists were lethal to kill an armored person in a few hits. He had surpassed what the Elyrians were, he had reached a new plain of power, one that almost no other Alathran had actualized.
===Mayorship of Peachfield===
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=== <small>Training within Ashina</small> ===
Within Twyst’s period of recruitment in Ashina and on his way to the town of [[High Ashina]] he had stumbled across a pair of Ashinian samurais and noticed their level of discipline and skill in what looked to be like a sword training session, in doing so Twyst had decided to take it upon himself to go up and ask them what they were doing, and more importantly if he could take part. Walking up to Twyst in their Kimono’s and Bamboo sticks in hand they informed him that it was called “Kendo”, a form of Ashinian martial arts training and the individual tutoring was temporarily in replacement for a man that goes by the name of RipeSack. After gladly accepting Twyst in and making him go through several gruelling months of training a new bond was created between him and the Ashinian people as well as their military. Not only did Twyst learn multiple new movements and methods of sword fighting including the flexibility of adapting with smaller or larger blades but he was taught the Samurai Code “Bushido” giving him a more devoted, disciplined and courageous attitude to warfare and life in general. For this he was awarded a blade which was as black as night, it was held up by a slightly lighter handle and circular hilt with a hint of pure gold which was retrieved from the fiery hells of the nether. It was a midnight dark katana, an 'okatana' to be exact. It's hue blended perfectly within the shade of his cloak and it granted speed and precision with long circular slashes, furthmore assisting him in combat for time to come and can be considered one of several of his iconic weapons that would spill blood in combat. He would call this the 'Black Muramasa'.
===Path of the cloak-and-dagger===
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===Obtaining the Twysted Fang===
[[File:Twysted Fang.jpg|thumb|266x266px|The Twysted Fang (art by Alvin Flang)]]
The continent of [[Ashina]] was what he believed to be the perfect place to start, Twyst knew this since at the time of his period of temporary rule over both the continent and its nation he had heard of untouched materials within the caves walls that littered the lands. It only took a few days of mining and a few more of successfully smelting to acquire the amount of diamonds he needed, this was not enough however since regular weapons used this same exact material. Mixing in different durable materials with the diamonds would be the plan in order to achieve the properties such an item needed. Yet again he had heard rumours of a new level of rock and gems that lay hidden beneath what was originally believed to be the deepest one could mine, and so Twyst travelled to the Far Eastern continent of Prospit which was under Ashina, the same place that began this quest. After several months of exhausting and excruciating mining in the hardest rock layer deep deep below [[Prospit|Prospit’s]] surface a crack of white stone was seen through the rough hard deepslate after the last hack of his pickaxe. Further in Twyst noticed the colour of mystical purple that had surrounded him as if it was gently engulfing anything that entered. This beauty would be the amethyst geode that would supply him with all the shards needed to mend into the scythe, it would also act as a calming agent to his psyche as it is believed this gem helps those manage their fear and anger and the said weapon he was about to create would undoubtedly contain all unimaginable negative emotions. Finally the last and most important content would be the pure coal that was collected during a meteorite exposition, luckily for him he collected one before they suddenly stopped pouring from the skies one day, this pure coal would replace the process of needing to add the estimated 10 netherite ingots as a single piece of pure coal was 10 times stronger. The journey back to the bunker of P.I.B was relaxing as the hardest parts were done but in its entirety, the mission was not done yet. Twyst put all the materials together on a smooth blackstone table and looked at his old ally and good friend Stixelot in the eye, all he muttered was “you know what to do”. The longest 4 days of his life was constant clanging, clinging, heat and smelting, this had passed until eventually the weapon, the solution to his biggest and most troublesome hurdle had been created. The scythe that would grant the ability to match his physical capabilities in combat and even capture and store the despair of his victims seconds before their death as it was fuelled by Twyst’s pure malice and was only balanced out by the amethyst shards that were forged into the blade. He would call this item “Twysted'Twysted Fang”Fang' and it would be the key that opened the door which blocked him from further success on assassinations and fights alike alongside the 'Black Muramasa'.
=== The Second Crusaders war ===
[[File:Eldian Bunker.png|left|thumb|362x362px|An image sent by Tilly, displaying the Eldian's in their bunkers]]
Following the forging of his signature weapon, Twyst was contacted by KeyralKeypeer about acting as a mercenary in the then upcoming Pater Carnis Conflict against the [[Ceiltean Druidism|Ceiltean Crusaders]] who intended to wreak havoc upon [[Ra'thra|Ra'thra's]] temple. Initially, Twyst turned down this offer as he no longer was in the mercenary business, nor did he want to get involved with a conflict he had little relation to. However; upon seeing nations with flimsy connections to Arith, namely Eldia (now Legion), were getting involved on the side of the crusaders, Twyst took pity on those in the temple and decided to join their side to prevent a 'dogpiling' of Pater Carnis. Immediately after joining, both the Ceiltean Crusaders and the Eldian Soldiers hid away in their bunkers, too afraid to even dare and try to fight an assassin with so much blood to his name. Twyst intentionally killed Eldians primarily as to pressure the UCCR (now [[Solaris]]) to get Eldia to exit the conflict as he felt their involvement was unneeded. Despite his success, Twyst felt he couldn't hold down the entire conflict singlehandedly so he contact his many friends within the city of [[Vyzia]] who agreed to assist him in aiding Pater Carnis. Eventually, after the UCCR and Eldia were making virtually zero progress with their war against Pater Carnis, Twyst contacted Eternal Leader Melevor, proposing that if they were to force Eldia to leave the conflict, Twyst and the Vyzians would exit as well. This plan was successful and Eldia was made to leave the war and per agreement, Twyst and the Vyzians did as well. This event, though only lasting about a day or two, puts to near full display of Twyst's power. Not only does his strength come in the form of his savvy with combat skills but also it is shown through how he is able to wield fear like a weapon. Twyst takes advantage of this fear and uses it force his foes' hands.
== <big>Personal Beliefs</big> ==
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* Despite being impressive in combat he is not a very hefty or muscular person, Twyst makes up for this by using a technique that utilises his speed to circle around opponents while inflicting a flurry of strikes.
*Since he had settled on the frozen town of Frost Walker and eventually the southern tundra of Gaushan, Twyst has gotten so used to the cold that he can now even withstand sub zero temperatures with barely any clothing, however he cannot stand warmer temperatures.
*Twyst's favourite drink is black tea, however he is also allergic to cookies for an unknown reason.
*Due to almost being killed in a bar while he was drunk after a war, Twyst never likes drinking orand gettingwill drunknever except alcohol as a gift.
== Notable Artistic Renditions ==
