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[[File:Arrim Miraz Personal Coat of Arms.png|alt=The Vrestó golden falcon carrying a golden fish on embattled blue and white, quartered with the white embattled cross on purple of Clan Miraz, centered with the coat of arms of the city of Wahat Almarjan|thumb|192x192px|Personal Coat of Arms of Gižaraša Arrim Miraz-Vrestó]]
[[File:Arrim Miraz MC Skin.png|left|thumb|280x280px|Current Gižaraša of Wahat, Arrim Miraz-Vrestó, ascended to the throne in 21 AZ (May 8, 2022).]]
Wahat's government is structured as a feudal lordship, led by a Gižaraša [ˈɡiʒɐ.rɐʃa]. The office of Gižaraša comes with many obligations, specifically running the day to day affairs of the city, holding court, and receiving petitions from the clans and residents of the city. The Gižaraša is given command a personal guard of 20, the Akhimarres, or Aximarreš [ɐçiˈmarɛʃ] in Arcadian, all of whom were nominated and selected for their unique fighting skill by the once 5, now 4 greatest clans. Each clan nominates 5 of these warriors to swear sacred oaths to the Gižaraša, and to serve them and their household, rather than their own clans. Traditionally, the Gižaraša holds court in the Senate Building, although occasionally pre-arranged meetings take place in the Gižaraša's own residence, the Primal Abode. The office of Gižaraša has no official law of succession, with each past holder of the title leaving office in different ways. In the event of a Gižaraša leaving office, the most accepted method of succession, perhaps for its adherence to laws of the Mufijo Faith, is for the outgoing Gižaraša to specify a chosen heir in their will, although this has only been the mode of succession once. The current Gižaraša is Arrim of Clan Miraz-Vrestó, who ascended to the throne on Vex 8, Thaw, 21 AZ (May 8, 2022).
However a new Gižaraša is chosen, their coronation is completed not long after. The coronation of a Gižaraša begins with a march on horseback by the Gižaraša apparent, dressed in a blue robe, from the gates of the city towards the Great Mosque of Jiba the Wise. Along the way, bystanders throw a red-orange spice onto the Gižaraša apparent, which plays an important part later in the ritual. Upon reaching the Mosque, the Gižaraša apparent dismounts and is followed into a secluded room by the Sifans of the Great Clans, and priests of the faith. The spice-caked Gižaraša apparent is than bathed in three separate oils by three different priests, one for each major deity of the Mufijo Faith. The first oil, representing Jorb - God of the Moon and Death, discolors the originally golden spice to a faded orange. The second oil, representing Zamu - God of the Earth and Sea, loosens the spice. The third and final oil, representing Afi - God of the Sun and patron of the city, washes the Gižaraša apparent clean of all the spice, which is later collected and burnt atop the tallest tower in the city. This process represents the cleansing of the Gižaraša apparent's sins, and their return to the heavens to show the gods that the Gižaraša apparent has made progress on the Path of Mufijo. After shortly drying, the Gižaraša apparent is taken onto the steps of the Senate Building, dawning the armor and weapons of Pitru Punstraia. Dressed in this ceremonial regalia, the Gižaraša apparent recites a short prayer of his choosing, and is then officially named Gižaraša of Wahat Almarjan by a Sifan of one of the Great Clans. Traditionally, the crowd and Sifans will then kneel in submission to the newly declared Gižaraša, before rising and celebrating their ascension to the throne.
