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| occupation = Author, Philosopher
| first_joined = 26 March 2022
| notable_works = Ethnologue, <br> Mind & Body, <br> Morality, <br> Qadiumo, <br> Physics, <br> Religious Travels
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== Personality ==
Vilqins Qofi is a very chatty man. He has talkedconversed towith Zeta Noodle Confractus, Lillian VultkovVultkova, [[GrimTheRedWolf|Isenhiem]], [[Game Glider SKG|Altan Glider Fraemani]], [[Angela|Head Librarian Angela]], and others. The reason this is being mentioned is because the questions he asks are that of an interviewer or someone that has been in a coma since birth.
Fun fact, after entering the home of [[GrimTheRedWolf|Isenhiem]] through an open door and asking about the [[Temple of Pater Carnis]], he got chased out of [[Jotunstan]] with a bow, and he barely escaped with his life.
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He was raised to follow the [[Mufijo Faith]], but he ended up losing all faith when he read other religious texts like the Book of the Hole and the [[Temple of Pater Carnis|Codex Carnis]]. He realised that almost all religious texts have the same message and all have similar gods.
He stillcalls himself an agnostic theist, for he believes inthat thea conceptdeity ofor deities is necessary for the universe to have existed and inthat an afterlife is the only possible solution for souls loose of their body, but he doesn't believe in any specific religiondeity or deities, nor in any properties of them.
== Political Beliefs ==
Qofi hasn't written much on politics, nor said much about it in general. The only book written by him that references politics is Qadiumo.
Qadiumo outlines his system of a perfect government, where one man controls all, because he believes that order is necessary to stay away from the state of nature, which separates us from the animals. He sees democracy as one step closer to becoming but another animal, for it is putting the hands of ruling into the hands of the unknowing populace which only has the goal for the most freedom, when that is against what they should want.
He doesn't support monarchies. This is because he sees them as giving unready rulers legitimacy. He proposes a dictatorship of the most fit, determined by the previous leader, and if a leader isn't the most fit, then it should be easy for them to be overthrown, resulting in the best fit being chosen.
== Writing ==
Vilqins has written fourfive books and is writing a fourthsixth. The reason why he is so interested in philosophy and books has puzzled him for his entire life. He has been to the library in [[Kais Kogong]], the library in [[Kais Termina]], and [[the Library]].
As said before, he has written fourfive books. The first book he ever wrote was the "Ethnologue", which documents the ethnicities of Alathra. It is out of date, for multiple ethnicities, including the [[The Tahalan People|Tahalan people]], have not been categorised and labelled.
The second book he wrote is called "Mind & Body", which goes over, as one might suspect, the mind and the body. It also talks about the Planes of Existence, soul sand and soul soil, and the interactions between the mind and body that make sentient life possible.
The third book he wrote is called "Morality". This book goes over Moral Objectivism, Moral Relativism, and Moral Subjectivism, and how he believes the Moral Subjectivism isto be the correctmost belieflogical.
The fourth book he wrote is called "Qadiumo", after the tentacle beast in the [[Mufijo Faith|Sa Mufiǧoreon]]. This book goes over social contracts, both explicit and implicit. It also talks about "a state of nature", "all versus all", and what he believes to be needneeded, absolute control in the hands of a singular person.
The fifth book he's written is called "Physics". This doesn't concern physical forces and universal laws, but rather the making of the universe. He believes all things to be made of 5 different elements, heat, earth, air, water, and aether.
The fourth book he wrote is called "Qadiumo", after the tentacle beast in the [[Mufijo Faith|Sa Mufiǧoreon]]. This book goes over social contracts, both explicit and implicit. It also talks about "a state of nature", "all versus all", and what he believes to be need, absolute control in the hands of a singular person.
The book "Religious Travels" is the book that is currently being written by Vilqins that outlines his travels to holy sites, churches, cathedrals, temples, and mosques of all faiths.
