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Yusan is a former monk who survived many wars, emerging from what remained and rising through the ranks of Elyria and eventually leaving to aid in the revival of his homeland and becoming one of Aerdale's twin kings. He fought valiantly to defend his nation and his empire, but in the end was defeated at the hands of Former Elyrian King Eiric at the Battle of Kaer Nevura.
== Appearance ==
Yusan is a mysterious figure to all but his closest of friends. Under his typical attire of netherite armor, he dons pitch black robes, boots and gloves. Nearly all the time he wears a black-steel mask, forged from the blade he took off his father's body after his untimely death in the Battle of Jotunstan. This mask covers his entire face, leaving only the whites of his eyes peering through the heavy steel. A crown-like shape had been forged into the top of it.
===Early Life===
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Early into his adolescence, Yusan and his brother awoke to tension filled air, the likes of which he had never felt before. Exiting their home, they found the source of this feeling of dread that one could sense a mile away. Staring into blood-stained streets, they witnessed their fellow townsfolk being slaughtered like livestock, his father and Kangy among those fighting to protect the innocent. Yusan called out to him but in his father's moment of hesitation as a result, he was struck down by an enemy soldier, leaving Yusan and Eun watching in horror as their father was slain before their very eyes. The soldier began to advance on the two children, the brothers cowering in fear as the armored knight approached them, when the town's leader Kangy the Great blocked the soldier's path. Kangy took the enemy's attention off of the two brothers, leading the enemy soldiers away from the village and off into the deathly storm that had engulfed the town for the entire winter. Their mother, screaming in desperation ushered them inside their home, where they were to remain until the fighting had ceased. As the sun began to rise over the horizon, Yusan heard shouts of glory, though he could not recognize the voices which he had heard. Peering through the now broken windows, he saw the village's soldiers submitting to the enemy. Jotunstan had fallen.
After the travesty of his father's passing and the village's occupation, Yusan refused to sleep. Mere days afterAfter he had witnessed the brutality war had brought to his once peaceful hometown, Yusan refused to remain subject to the rule of outsiders. Whispering quiet goodbyes to his sleeping mother and brother, Yusan left his home, thoughtaking one last (now emotionless) look at his father's now-snow covered corpse before picking up his father's black-steel blade and heading off. unbeknownstUnbeknownst to him Eun had been laying awake as well, following his brother out into the storm as Yusan hurried away from the village.
=== Joining the Monks of Petroselenium ===