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===Early Life===
Yusan was born in the then small town of Jotunstan (formerly Styx) to two unknown Kogongi peasants. While he and his mother were very close, his father had been taken from him at a young age, leaving the family to fight in a war alongside the town's honored leader Kangy the Great, exchanging his peaceful life for the assured support of his family. As his father marched away with the soldiers, Yusan watched with envy. Though he lived a comfortable life with his mother and younger brother, YujinEun, he dreamed of one day joining his father in war and wielding the same indestructible armor and weapons of otherworldly power the knights who passed through his humble town had. Yusan maintained his dreams of grandeur throughout his childhood, listening attentively each time a small group of monks preached about the divine greatness of which they sought and watching each and every step the soldiers took as they passed through the town time and time again on their way to the ongoing war in the East.
===Losing Jotunstan===
Early into his adolescence, Yusan and his brother awoke to tension filled air, the likes of which he had never felt before. Exiting their home, they found the source of this feeling of dread that one could sense a mile away. Staring into blood-stained streets, they witnessed their fellow townsfolk being slaughtered like livestock, his father and Kangy among those fighting to protect the innocent. Yusan called out to him but in his father's moment of hesitation as a result, he was struck down by an enemy soldier, leaving Yusan and RyujinEun watching in horror as their father was slain before their very eyes. The soldier began to advance on the two children, the brothers cowering in fear as the armored knight approached them, when the town's leader Kangy the Great blocked the soldier's path. Kangy took the enemy's attention off of the two brothers, leading the enemy soldiers away from the village and off into the deathly storm that had engulfed the town for the entire winter. Their mother, screaming in desperation ushered them inside their home, where they were to remain until the fighting had ceased. As the sun began to rise over the horizon, Yusan heard shouts of glory, though he could not recognize the voices which he had heard. Peering through the now broken windows, he saw the village's soldiers submitting to the enemy. Jotunstan had fallen.
After the travesty of his father's passing and the village's occupation, Yusan refused to sleep. Mere days after he had witnessed the brutality war had brought to his once peaceful hometown, Yusan refused to remain subject to the rule of outsiders. Whispering quiet goodbyes to his sleeping mother and brother, Yusan left his home, though unbeknownst to him RyujinEun had been laying awake as well, following his brother out into the storm as Yusan hurried away from the village.
=== Joining the Monks of Petroselenium ===