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Yusan is a former monk who survived many wars, emerging from what remained and rising through the ranks of Elyria and eventually leaving to aid in the revival of his homeland and becoming (co-)Kingone of Aerdale's twin kings. He fought valiantly to defend his nation and his empire, but in the end was defeated at the hands of Former Elyrian King Eiric at the Battle of Kaer Nevura.
===Early Life===
Yusan was born in the then small town of Jotunstan (nowformerly Styx) to two unknown Kogongi peasants. While he and his mother were very close, his father had been taken from him at a young age, leaving the family to fight in a war asalongside athe town's honored leader Kangy the mercenaryGreat, exchanging his peaceful life for the assured support of his family. As his father marched away with the soldiers, Yusan watched with envy. Though he lived a comfortable life with his mother and younger brother, Yujin, he dreamed of one day joining his father in war and wielding the same indestructible armor and weapons of otherworldly power the knights who passed through his humble town had. Yusan maintained his dreams of grandeur throughout his childhood, listening attentively each time a small group of monks preached about the divine greatness of which they sought and watching each and every step the soldiers took as they passed through the town time and time again on their way to the ongoing war in the East.
===Losing Jotunstan===
Early into his adolescence, Yusan and his brother awoke to tension filled air, the likes of which he had never felt before. Exiting histheir home, hethey found the source of this feeling of dread that one could sense a mile away,. hisStaring fellowinto Jotunstansblood-stained threatenedstreets, bythey thewitnessed verytheir menfellow intownsfolk shiningbeing armorslaughtered thatlike livestock, his father hadand foughtKangy alongsideamong those fighting to protect the innocent. AsYusan acalled resultout ofto him but in his father's (perceivedmoment of hesitation as traitorous)a actionsresult, he was struck down by an enemy soldier, leaving Yusan and Ryujin watching in horror as their father was slain before their very eyes. The soldier began to advance on the wartwo children, histhe verybrothers owncowering villagein wasfear takenas fromthe itsarmored proudknight approached them, when the town's leader Kangy the Great blocked the soldier's path. Kangy took the enemy's attention off of the two brothers, withleading the aforementionedenemy beingsoldiers forcedaway tofrom the village and off into the deathly storm that had engulfed the town for the entire winter. Their fleemother, screaming in desperation ushered them inside their home, where they were to remain until the townsfighting residentshad leftceased. As the sun began to berise ruledover bythe thosehorizon, Yusan hadheard onceshouts idolized.of Heglory, wouldthough he could not letrecognize thisthe voices which he had heard. Peering through the now broken windows, he saw the village's soldiers submitting to the enemy. Jotunstan had standfallen.
After the travesty of his father's passing and the village's occupation, Yusan refused to sleep. Mere days after he had witnessed the brutality war had brought to his once peaceful hometown, Yusan refused to remain subject to the rule of outsiders. Whispering quiet goodbyes to his sleeping mother and brother, Yusan left his home, though unbeknownst to him Ryujin had been laying awake as well, following his brother out into the storm as Yusan hurried away from the village.
=== Joining the Monks of Petroselenium ===
That very same night Yusan fled his home. Taking one last look at its now lifeless streets as the dark engulfed the small village, he rode North, following the path he had seen the monks take time and time again. Eventually, with ano meremore fewthan daysa week passing since their last visit to the small town, Yusan caught up to the monks, who recognized him from their many times preaching to the villagers and accepted his pleas to come with them. Travelling with the monks further North than he had ever hoped to go, Yusan put the images of the family he had left behind out of his mind, resolving to one day return and save his home. After days of non-stop travel through the frigid Southern storm, Yusan and the monks finally reached the monks' home: Petroselenium.
During his time with the monks, Yusan adopted their religion, though in reality he was skeptical of its truth. Regardless, he persisted, joining them in prayer and adopting their pacifistic ways, in search of the divine power he had strived for all these years. He resolved to remain vigilant in his newfound role as a monk, putting all thoughts of his former attachments out of his mind, though he never could truly forget all that he had left behind. Eventually he learned to know Petroselenium as his home, finding serenity somewhere along his path towards certain power, and though he had once merely hoped to gain the otherworldly powers of which the monks spoke, he began to feel truly at home once more.
===The Pultria Crisis and the Abandonment of Religion===
This newly found peace for Yusan would not last forever. One day, the skies turned black with smoke, forests burning on the mainland and the island alike. War had reached this sacred land, and with it nothing but pain and death would follow. Though both sides of the war would lose many fighters, the monks were the ones who truly felt its impact. In order to avoid complete subjugation to a powerful nation or death itself, the monks fled the island, leaving only Yusan to remain in the once holy land they had called home.
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=== Returning to Koganon and Becoming King of Aerdale ===
As a result of this recent change of heart, Yusan decided it would be best if he returned to his roots for a while. Venturing south, far from the Elyrian capital, he found the barren tundra of Aerdale, his childhood home, far worse off than he had ever seen before. Though its towns remained, their streets remained empty, devioid of life other than the occasional Kogongi White Fox scampering through the fresh layers of snow. It was then that he returned home at long last, to the town of Styx (formerly Jotunstan), where he found the streets just as empty as the other towns. Filled with sorrow and regret, Yusan made the arduous journey East, towards the nation's capital of Silvermoon. It was upon meeting with its King Notoric that he learned of the nation's recent struggle due to the war, learning of its previous leader's departure and the abandonment of its town. With haste, Yusan offered his influence and resources to aid his former home, being named co-King of Aerdale along with King Notoric, truly beginning on his quest to revitalize the land he once called his home.
During his tenure as King, Yusan forged many alliances, both with his previous nation of Elyria and with those outside its boarders. Singlehandedly, he revitalized many of the nation's towns that had begun to fall and began the construction of infrastructure that would connect the nation's people to each other and the rest of the world. Yusan also pledged Aerdale to the former King, now Emperor of Elyria, Sherman, swearing fealty to his grace and promising to uphold all of the Emperor's alliances and treaties with the rest of the realm.
=== The Elyrian Empire Civil War ===
Throughout his days as King of Aerdale and as a loyal citizen of Elyria, Yusan had met many individuals. One such individual was Theodmer, former Duke of Redna and current King of Estea. When war broke out across the world on Prospit, between the fishermen of Dalleton and the Monarchs of Acquendavia, Yusan refused to fight alongside Dalleton as his Emperor was allied with the Acquendavians for many years past. Theodmer thought differently. Believing Theodmer's aid in the war against Elyria's greatest allies to be traitorous, along with another former member of Elyria, Chickenprism, Theodmer was declared a traitor to the Empire and war was to be inevitable. Refusing to allow his Emperor's name to be dragged through the mud by a man who wished to fight the Emperor's allies, Yusan prepared the Aerdilian High Army for war. Alas, the Emperor refused to acknowledge Yusan and Chickenprisms concerns, instead being more interested in maintaining his control over Gaushan's Western front, and Yusan was declared a traitor to the Empire. The Emperor's forces were rallied and though Yusan refused to back down and let his people be taken prisoner or be slaughtered, he was eventually defeated at the Battle of Kaer Nevura by his old king Eiric.
War had plagued him his entire life. From Jotunstan, to Petroselenium, to Elyria and finally to Aerdale, Yusan persevered through many conflicts, leading him to become hardened and bitter close to his apparent end. In his final fight, Yusan fought with all he had, though in the end even with the help of the late Commander Shiny and Grand Magician Keyral, the Aerdilian forces were defeated singlehandedly by the Emperor himself. Towards the end, on the jagged cliffs of Petro's Peak, the old king and recently freed Eiric appeared and allowed Yusan to escape the Emperor's fury for a second longer. This did not last long, however, as Yusan refused the old king's help, regarding him as just as much of a traitor as Theodmer and the Emperor were. Eiric then drove his blade through Yusan's chest, sending him tumbling down into the violent waters below, believed by all to be dead as the rocky shores were as merciless as the old king himself.
=== Limbo ===
==Political Beliefs==
Yusan iswas a monarch, and therefore supports a monarchical form of government, though he does not support monarchy in the absolute. He believes that to govern as equals with many others is to be indecisive and that a leader is necessary for growth and change. He also believes in the value of knowledge, as he has studied many subjects for many years, to the point of being named Grand Maester of the formerly most powerful nation in the world. It is because of this belief that his first act as King of Aerdale was to create a council of the nation's leaders, as being informed before making decisions often leads to far less tragic results.
While Yusan was a monk, his belief in the religion was only skin deep. He wished for power, adopting their religion with the sole purpose of gaining the divine power of which the monks spoke. Following the monk's departure, Yusan began to reject their ideals and teachings, destroying their sacred text and denouncing their gods. Yusan now only believes in the divine power that is knowledge of the realm and its inhabitants, and no longer hails gods or deities.
