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'''Fort Khirom''' ''(Fort KI-rom)'', also referred to colloquially as '''Khirom''' or '''The Fort''', is a city in the [[CommonwealthRauthwald Empire, in the Autonomous Realm of Blackthorn]]Kyriska, situated on the continent of [[Ceyreto]]Kuthara. The city is the oldest continuously inhabited settlement of documentation within the Commonwealth.region around Lake Kyriska
== History ==
Fort Khirom was historically the main financial and cultural center of the Realm of [[Kyriska]]. However, as the other cities within Kyriska began to stagnate and decay, Fort Khirom was left as the last remaining inhabited area within the realm.
Following the arrival of settlers in [[Zethortal]] and [[Taobh Locha]], the city requestedwas forced to join the newly founded Commonwealth of Blackthorn.
In recent times, the northeastern-most areas of the city district are claimed by the realm of Kherakar.
