Hollows (Dark and Light): Difference between revisions

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== Origin ==
Hollows through ancient text have a connection to draconic beings, specifically those known as the ‘Dragons ofwho sky,now voidseek andthe star’stars’ it is saidwritten theyin hadold texts of the sametale creatorsof Sky and wereVoid. The twin gods that first brought their creation onceas one beinginto existence. Once one Kin unified by the earth until a war caused by an ancient threat divided thethem twoamongst each other. The Gods in order to stop this splitting the beast in three. Yet the damage had already been done, so in turn greatest curse was brought upon thethis hollowsrace who had the most evilhate inwithin their hearts. They divided them further into dark and light in hopes that one day they could reunite and find peace within themselves free of darkness.
While some hollows were able to establish a place many had succumb to an ancient madness created by the being that cause their divide in the first place, it’s broken body seeking to never reunite them. The Hollows over time had many disagreements and divided themselves from their draconic kin, andfinding a new home on a small island land. Yet despite overcoming some trials and paths to restore themselves and create a new home, eventually only a few scattered Hollows remain. Falling to desperation and despair as years went by. Much of their histories lost to time, much like their otherdraconic kin who were slowly falling to a similarly ill fate.
== Magic ==
Hollows have a natural affinity to light or dark magic depending on their souls. Light and Dark magic has many properties than just lighting up or snuffing out a place. In order to use their magic they must consume the opposing energy. asAs using their magic results in an overcharge of their already unbalanced souls. If a Hollow doesn’t take that measure it can result in passing out or on rare occasions, a sort of illness.
Light Magic:
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== Culture ==
There are ruins located in some areas detailing their civilization after the war. Their civilization revolved heavily around worship and acceptance, hopes of their fate and hopesprophecy for a new future where they all could be one again. Lone Hollows often follow the same pattern of drawing connections with communities nearby, mimicking styles with fragments of memory left. Many just try to find some sort of thing to make them whole as many are unsure about what they really feel, which often results in them living in unusual places depending on their type. Ex: Light hollows living in dark woods
[[Category:Species and Cultures]]
