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== His Excellency the Lord Protector's House Fusilier Guards ==
The House Fusilier Guards are the personal bodyguard detachment for members of the House. The rankGuards ofare Fusilier-Captaintraditionally canon behorseback, bestowedand asare anequipped honorarywith rankhalberds. toThe anyone,Guards evendo ifnot theycurrently arehave notany members other inthan the HouseLord Protector, butwho onlywields onethe rank of Fusilier-CaptainMarshal. isAnyone inmay chargejoin the Guards, even if they are not a member of the GuardsHouse.
=== Ranks ===
{| class="wikitable"
!Order in Hierarchy
!Rank Name
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|A goldenred laced epaulette with the coat-of -arms embroidered into it and five golden stars
|Lt. Colonel
|Commander or adjutant of the Guards. Normally ceremonial, and may be granted to absolutely anyone. The Lord Protector always wields this rank.
|First Captain of the Fusiliers
|A red laced epaulette with the coat-of arms embroidered into it and four iron stars
|Commander or 2nd-in-command of the Guards
|Second Captain of the Fusiliers
|A red laced epaulette with the coat-of-arms embroidered into it and three iron stars
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|2nd or 3rd-in-command of the Guards, always the deputy of a Fusilier-Captain
|A red laced epaulette with the coat-of-arms embroidered into it and two iron stars
|Basic officers, lead small Fusilier BattalionsCompanies of three Guardsmen.
|A red laced epaulette with the coat-of-arms embroidered into it and one iron star
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|Basic soldiers, make up the bulk of the Guards.
=== Uniform ===
The uniform of the House Fusilier Guards is consists of a double-breasted light-blue coat with a tail drooping to the bottom of the thigh and a red collar with gold embroidery for the ranks of Fusilier-Marshal and First Captain of the Fusiliers, red pants with a vertical yellow stripe on each side, tall black leather boots, and a black [ Pickelhaube] with a gold double-headed eagle on the front and massive red feathers sticking out of the top.
=== Awards ===
* '''Commander's Aiguillette -''' A gold aiguillette worn by the First Captain and Fusilier-Marshal.
* '''House Fusilier Guards Cross of Merit -''' A medal awarded for meritorious acts in service of the House. It is identical to the medal form of the Basic Cross of the Order of St. Tiberius, except the cross is in gold and the ribbon has a white-and-yellow checkerboard pattern.
* '''War Service Medal -''' A medal awarded to members of the Guards who fight in a war, whether in service of the House or not. The medal itself is a gold circle with the shape of St. Tiberius's face etched in, and the ribbon is in the British style and is blue with a green stripe though the middle.
* '''Defender's Medal -''' A medal awarded for defending a member of the House who is in peril. It is identical to the War Service Medal, except the face in the medal is that of [[Tiberius Jakivus III]], and the ribbon is purple with a red stripe on each side and a white stripe through the center.