Melphor Fynnsea-Danl: Difference between revisions

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(I have remade the entire page to be more readable and of course, with a lot more information.)
(I added a new arc to the story... one that completely changed my character. Xd)
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Elias took Mel home after a while of saying his goodbyes to everyone there, discounting his father due to what he tried to do to Mel. They were silent the whole way back, until they came to the castle. Prior to the odd aura, they were talking about a suppressant for Oxitotl’s actions and influence, and Mel needed it as fast as he could manage. The two agreed to what they both needed out of this dream catcher that would hopefully tear down Oxitotl from the inside, making them weaker and therefore unable to bear any effect to Mel’s mind. Now, all she has to do is wait...
Elias took Mel home after a while of saying his goodbyes to everyone there, discounting his father due to what he tried to do to Mel. They were silent the whole way back, until they came to the castle. Prior to the odd aura, they were talking about a suppressant for Oxitotl’s actions and influence, and Mel needed it as fast as he could manage. The two agreed to what they both needed out of this dream catcher that would hopefully tear down Oxitotl from the inside, making them weaker and therefore unable to bear any effect to Mel’s mind. Now, all she has to do is wait...

To be continued . . .
A few weeks went by and everything was quiet. Well, that was until Melphor received a letter from an unknown person addressed from Mythosia, a compact settlement in the small island squeezed in the middle of the opposite continents. Its vague contents were scattered and hard to read but Mel could understand what it was trying to say. Avele had died mysteriously, supposedly murdered, but the murderer had yet to be identified. Mel informed Ines of this odd letter and its contents before they both set off to Mythosia, where the funeral would be held. They attended the funeral which came and went, though Mel noted that she had to avoid her brother, Andras, who had somehow found himself there as well. And she did, quite well, not talking to him at all during that whole interaction. She did however find and briefly talk with the letter-sender, Aenora, who was now the mayor of Mythosia, since Avele’s murder. Something seemed off but she couldn’t place it. Still confused but not wanting to wait to go home, she practically dragged Ines back to The Scarred Hallow.

Not even two days later, Melphor was visited by Waylin, who she hadn’t seen since the prior incident before Avele’s murder. Waylin asked her to accompany him on a trip to Mythosia, saying something about how Aenora could help her and her… devil on her shoulder. Mel, though reluctant, eventually went with him and they arrived via boat, walking until they came into the same room where the funeral had been held. As soon as she entered, it was like something was watching her, she felt this feeling often (because it was true) but it was stronger. In the middle of the room was a back-facing Aenora, who at the sight that she had guests, officially introduced herself to them. Aenora revealed that she was a demoness, one that was undercover and specifically here to lure both Waylin and Melphor to her. But before she explained why, Waylin interrupted to ask her to help Mel, who was reluctant to tell this… person, what she was experiencing. Eventually she did, (though careful consideration) and signed a contract, word-bound, to give her a small fraction of power in order to mentally ‘shoo’ Oxitotl away. She fainted but inside her mind, she was verbally fighting with them, winning by a mile. Though the win was quite simple. Oxitotl practically surrendered, not thinking it practical or worth their time to try and win Melphor over to their side again.

Melphor woke up, soon stabilized enough to stand as she now waited for Waylin to tell Aenora what he needed. Answers. On the ride here, Waylin had told Mel that his father was alive, which was quite the shock to her. She had known that he was dead, and was soon filled in through flashbacks that she in fact barely knew anything about Vartilian’s past. Aenora went along with it and got him to ‘open his mind’, letting them and a few others who had wandered into the sphere of memories see what he was keeping.

Once those horrific flashbacks were over, Melphor went over to Waylin to check if he was okay. He was, though immediately, bombarded by Emilia, who seemed equally as worried of his haunting background. Aenora however interrupted this, going on to explain why the two even had these powers in the first place. In a regular contract, you would read the fine print quite clearly but in this case, it was non-existent. The way the demon spoke made it seem as if she knew this would happen, which only made Melphor more and more irritated. She went to speak about how she and him were no longer ‘mere mortals’, and instead Gods. Waylin was a direct descendent of a god while Melphor had been given quite a bit of new power from the signed contract, and perhaps even her own biological family being god-related. But she didn’t take this news well, in fact, went on a whole rant about how she couldn’t be, because she was dead. Aenora tried to explain to her that the reason she couldn’t ‘control’ Melphor like she did anyone else (besides Waylin), was because she was a spirit but somehow had a physical form. Spirits didn’t have physical forms. Melphor had just naturally thought the reason she had this form was because of Hallow, the protector of The Scarred Hallow’s power, who was the reason she was even standing in front of these two right now. She had to leave before she did something stupid.

Melphor went on a day-long trip around the continents, and even met a new species and settlement that had placed themselves near the dormant volcano on the southwestern continent. She met Zoe, who she seemed to click with quite quickly. She could tell they'd be good friends. But she eventually had to go, and made her way back to The Scarred Hallow. She’d have a lot of explaining to do for her absence but that was the last of her worries, just wanting to curl up in a bed and sleep them away.