
From Alathra Wiki


Early Life

Sherman was born into a lower class family who lived in the rural area surrounding the settlement of Peachfield, located in central Gaushan. As a teenager Sherman worked as a farm hand to a local lord in order to help support his family.The lords that owned the land were quite harsh on the peasants and Sherman was often forced to toil in the fields for up to 14 hours a day for a meager wage. As a young adult he became involved in a conspiracy led by a man named Eiric. The goal was to overthrow the local lords and grant additional freedoms to the farmer class. The uprising started a few months later and saw more and more farmers refuse to work and take up arms against their lords. Many of the soldiers that were sent to squash the uprising many refused to kill the farmers armed with crude tools and leather scrap armor. They instead sympathized with the cause and some even saw it as an opportunity to gain additional freedoms themselves. Sherman himself was spared by one much soldier after he tried to attack him with his family's old pitchfork. The uprising was ultimately successful and a Farmer's Council was installed with Eiric being the head of state.

Entering Politics in Peachfield

During the uprising Sherman made a name for himself by being courageous, perhaps to the extent of outright stupidity. He showed no fear to the Lords' soldiers and was noticed by leaders of the uprising including Eiric. Sherman was offered a position on the Farmer's Council which he graciously accepted at the age of 19. Sherman was able to get a full education over the next few years and was one of Eiric's most trusted advisors.He played an active role in developing Peachfield, particularly in its early stages and spent most of his time working in and around the city. Sherman also took an interest in Peachfield's militia and began formal training as a soldier himself.

Securing Peachfield Soverignty

Peachfield made an early splash on the world stage when an assassin from P.I.B.

Physical Appearance

Character Traits and Beliefs