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The Romanus Silva Flag
ScriptureThe Books of Truth
LanguageOld Silvan
TerritoryRomanus Silva Sun Harvest
OriginTa'igi ta'e (Old Silvan)



All Romanus Silva Citizens
Temple buildingsTemple of the Gods
Slogan"Venandi stand with me"


The Silvan people, children and guardians of the Forest, worship nature and her beauty endlessly as they pursue selfless, yet meaningful lives. Omnia provides the Silvans with protection from harm through her sons and daughters regulation of their material world. Ancient in texts written by the Gods themselves, the Silvan religion contains many prayers, songs, and tales worshipping the mighty four and above all, Venandi, Venandi is the hero and savior of the Silvans. Through his guarantee of safety with his boots for the people, Silvans will never again live in fear of Occidere or other humans under the protection of Venandi. (This is considered more of a culture page than a Religion page as there is no culture category)

Higher Powers


Gods are first generation immortal higher beings.

Omnia: Ruler and mother of most deities. Creator of the Universe. True neutral, neither benevolent or malevolent. Immortal.

Atterizamos: God of all Lands. Son to Omnia, second born. Molds the Earth. True neutral. Immortal.

Caelum: God of heavens and the air. Son to Omnia, third born. Controls the weather. Lawful Neutral. Immortal.

Neptus: Goddess of seas. Daughter to Omnia, fourth born. Regulates the water. Chaotic Neutral. Immortal.

Venandi: God of the Hunt. Unknown son of Omnia and Occidere. Controls hunting, regulation of life-cycles, and ruler of the Forest. Worshipped by the people as a hero. Left behind his boots to ensure the people’s safety. Lawful Good. Mortal.


Deities are second generation immortal and in some cases mortal higher beings.

Flora: Deity of plants. Daughter of Atterizamos, twin to Fauna. Creates and nourishes plant-life. Lawful Good. Immortal.

Fauna: Deity of animals. Daughter of Atterizamos, twin to Flora. Creates and feeds life. Chaotic Good. Immortal.

Solis: Deity of the sun. Son of Caelum. Controls the sun cycle and light. Lawful Evil. Immortal.

Luna: Deity of the moon. Daughter of Neptus. Controls the tides and shadow. Neutral Good. Immortal.

Occidere: Deity of War. Fuels anger and conflict while living amongst humans. Chaotic Evil. Immortal.



The Temple of the Gods at Romanus Silva

The Silvans practice their worship in shrines representing the mighty four, typically at dawn, while lying on one's knees. Prayer takes place most commonly after directly killing an animal or human, specifically to the goddess Fauna, while touching the diseased being. All Silvans are allowed to claim property when they come of age and perform the act of praying to Atterizamos. Though often very large in total population, Silvan communities contain small family trees, typically housing 2 children. Due to the discovery of the arcane being recent compared to the discovery of the God's most Silvans are conflicted on how to use them if at all. Most importantly, Silvans value their weapons like family as they are seen to be gifts from Venandi. Traditionally, a bow or axe is chosen from a young age for a child to begin how to yield before maturity. If chosen, some townspeople can wield a Trident, rumored to be given only to those in close relation with Neptus. Weapons used by adult Silvans must be forged from their own hand in respect of the gods and deities they serve.

The architecture and design of Silvan towns is something of up most importance when settling as they attempt to include nature into it as much as possible while keeping it methodical slow planning for quality over quantity which they do because they think that if they used the God's resources to create ugly buildings the God's would be angered at them specifically Atterizamos would be mad. Tight fit, movable clothing is worn to allow the Silvans to hunt whenever they need especially during the summer. The sacred colors of the people are Green and Silver to represent the hero Venandi's sigil, the Silver Stag. During the winter Silvans typically wear all black clothes with wolf furred coats. To some Silvans it is very important to change their attire depending on many things such as if it is a full moon, if the sun is up, non-animal clothing, etc. however most modern Silvans wear the same thing year long. Music is not very important to the Silvans the only types of instruments that exist in the culture are small string instruments that mostly used just for weddings, funerals, and other holidays. The Silvans are staunch believers that they shouldn't try to think about the afterlife but most think that they become one with nature after dying although some extremists think dying in combat is admirable.

Vices and Virtues


Life, nature, peace, tradition, religion, intelligence, adequate training and self-defense, architecture, and respect for the dead.


Murder, adultery, envy, ignorance, many children in one generation, fasting/dieting, laziness, theft, and suicide.



The Silver Stag Statue

Mother Omnia, protector of the weak, help me to be strong against my fears.

Mother Omnia, protector of the wronged, help me to do right by all I meet. Mother Omnia, protector of the home, help me to safeguard those within my walls. Mother Omnia, help me to do what I must, be with me as I walk in the world.


To great-hearted Aterrizamos, master of the woodland, I offer my praise. Wise and knowing god, older than old, holder of the land’s secrets, teacher of prophecy, generous one who gifted Venandi With the swiftest of courses, I call to you with my thanks. Great Atterizamos who is as simple and as enigmatic as nature itself, whose voice we hear in the ground behind our backs, to you I give all honor.


Caelum, god of the North Wind, god of the cold, bitter breath of winter, purple-winged herald of snow and black ice. Most needful one, in your season we honor you. Caelum, god of the West Wind, god of the seedtime, husband of the greening fields, father of the fruited trees, mild one, kind one,, within your domain does love unfold. Most needful one, in your season we honor you. Caelum, god of the South Wind, god of summer storms, god of the soul-searing heat, of the drenching rains and the pale, parched soil. Mos needful one, in your season we honor you. Caelum, god of the East Wind, god of the blood-red leaves, the golden blades of grass, by the palace of the sun you dwell. Most needful one, in your season we honor you.


We call to Neptus, lady of waters fresh and briny, queen of the broad blue seas and of each sweet spring and fountains that emit from the earth. Neptus,mighty one, controller of the beasts of the sea, companion of the ocean-life, yours is the source of life, the water and the salt, yours are the treasures beneath the waves. Good friend of the sailor and the fisherman, granter of food and riches to mankind, Neptus, we call to you.


I praise you, Venandi, courageous hero who roams the wildwood with gold bow at hand. Venandi of many names, Venandi of many lands, your temples stood shining and tall, in cities and in villages. In the long days of summer the maidens dance in your honor. Venandi, the mountains are yours to wander, fleet-footed and firm of step; the wilds of the world are dear to you, O guardian of forest and of beast. God who takes joy in dance and song, companion of the laughing humans in all their play, of all mortals you are the swiftest and the strongest, the finest and the first, in skill and grace the greatest.


Silvan tribe unification

One thousand years after the disappearance of Venandi the tribes of the forest has significantly advanced culturally and technologically with the discovery of the arcane magics and with such advancements this had called for major political reformation. The current tribes at the time were Fangi, Gboto, Tsubamo, Susha, and Sasheso although Fangi and Susha were the most prosperous. In the year 'e'igi tasosu 'eta the Fangi tribe had elected a radical leader by the name of Ditso that had a dream of a united forest tribe nation and he called it Silva the Old Silvan name that people used to describe the gods, or in other words "all powerful". Ditso successfully was able to convince Gboto join Fangi under the banner of the Silvan Federation which would be represented by a Golden Stag which most considered sacrilegious. Fangi would go on to rename its self to "Romanus Silva". Over the course of the next 6 years Ditso had united all the tribes except Sasheso due to how far north it was and the distance from Romanus Silva, Ditso would grow increasingly worried as his 8 year term as leader was almost over and his dream was not yet realized. Ditso then resorted to drastic measures and used arcane magicians combined with canons to blow down the walls around Sasheso to attempt to force them to join the Federation, Sasheso would hold out until two weeks before Ditso's term was over before the Sasheso Lord came out and surrendered himself to the Federation. Once the armies returned to Romanus Silva on the final day of Ditso's term the civillan population would learn of what Ditso had done and would riot through the streets. These riots caused Silvan extremists to call for Ditso's term to be illegally extended while others opposed them. The rioting went on for a week before Ditso put himself under self imposed exile and left the nation he had created.

Modern History

One year ago on June 30th 2021 the town of Romanus Silva was reformed under the leadership of Tartarus and Midnight who had the town join the nation of the FCA where it still is. Upon joining the nation Tartarus and Midnight made a stride to formalize the FCA senate and were successful in creating a functional government. This was the town of Romanus Silva at its highest point since the fall of Ditso in the Federation era, Romanus Silva made up a large portion of the FCA politically and population wise. The Silvan architects of Romanus Silva would soon start working on the creation of two religious builds those being the Temple to the Gods and the Silver Stag Statue dedicated to Venandi in hopes of his return. Tartarus would go on to lead the FCA military while giving ownership of Romanus Silva to his fiance Midnight. While exploring Tartarus would stumble upon the remains of building in a cave and upon entering it he had discovered the boots that legends had told of for over a thousand years, Venandi's boots. Tartarus would share this information with Midnight before another situation would arise. Romanus Silva as well as some other towns had discourse within the FCA senate which led to the destruction of the FCA splitting into the Kingdoms of Arith and Federation of Arith. Romanus Silva was the capital of the KOA and for many it made them miss the peace and prosperity of the FCA but for others it reminded them of the conqueror Ditso and they thirsted for power. This would cause something far more dangerous to arise though.

The Great Alathran War

The Great Alathran war had many battles but one of these said battles was a battle at Romanus Silva where the enemy purposefully tried to desecrate the Religious buildings. The enemy nation Elyria would end up destroying large parts of Romanus Silva and with it the population with it being detrimental for survival. During the aftermath of the Great Alathran War all Silvans would return to the forest to hide among Venandi's protection once again until months later Tartarus came out of the forest alone. No one else would be coming back, Romanus Silva went from one of the strongest and biggest cities in all of Alathra to a Ghost town, a shell of its former glory.

Sun harvest rejoining Silva

Sun Harvest was a special case when it came to the Silvan Tribes, from those within Fangi, Gboto, Tsubamo, Susha, and Sasheso tribes, there were some people who felt a strong pull to go west. After the western migration they got separated from their Silvan Brethren. Overtime these different peoples slowly merged, with their different ideas and beliefs merging into a more... Interesting Culture. But the one thing that would remain is the Silvan Word. They settled in a area and called it "Sun Harvest". However that did not stop others from spliting off and forming other tribes... such as Silvek and Masamune. Over the years they would expand and grow from just Sun Harvest, to a entity called "The Grand Duchy of Luton" They would unify a lot of these tribes, bringing them back into the fold.

Dieties Tales

Venandi's Legacy

The outfit that Venandi left behind.

The hero Venandi appeared hundreds of years prior to the discovery of the God's. Stories that had been passed down through out generations to the modern times vary from each other but they all hold the same morals and conclusion. Unfortunately access to the stories is hard to come by as Venandi's achievements was written down was when Old Silvan was still the primary language that the Silvans used which is a dying language and known by very few Silvans. Today Venandi's boots all but one pair are possessed by Romanus Silva where they have stayed for a long time, however it is not known where Venandi's bow is and is theorized to still exist somewhere in the forest.

Venandi's Tale

In the year 'e'sosu ugata the tribes of Fangi, Gboto, and Samu came under attack of the arcane and monster horde under Occidere's fist. The tribes were far too primitive to handle such an invasion yet took up arms. The first battle resulted in the total annihilations of the Samu tribe and its people and many thought that they would be next. Fangi, the largest tribe, was next to be attacked but they would be ready as the sole survivor of the Samu tribe was a man by the name of "Oni 'ikpa Venandi". As the horde marched on Fangi the leader Occidere himself stepped forward before the gates of Fangi demanding the submission of the people. The soon to be hero Venandi stepped forward outside the gate opposing Occidere and challenged the unknown god to a battle on the terms that if he won Occidere would leave the tribe eternally. The duel began after the redicule of Venandi whom used his bow and superior athleticism to take down Occidere stopping just before attempting to kill the god Occidere admitted defeat and left with the horde. Venandi continued on to live near the ruins of Samu and was hailed as a hero while any nuissance in life was referred to as "Occidere" by the ancient silvans. However many prevalent stories would happen across the next two hundred years as people kept seeing what they believed to be Venandi in the forest watching over the people.

Omnia's Truth in the Romanus Silva Library

Books of Truth

100 Years after Venandi's duel with Occidere archeaoligists found 10 books that were all grouped together in a box in the ruins of Samu. After the books were found it took historians almost 200 years to recreate the Samuese language to be able to translate it to Old Silvan by the historian Amipa. The name of the first book was Omnia's Truth. Historians theorized that the books were written by an unknown origin.

Omnia's Truth

The book opened up with the sentence "I've had a revelation, I have had a dream of a land of many peoples, cultures, races." Omnia the mother of all gods then created Atterizamos her first child who she told to mold the shape of the earth, she then created Neptus who should gave the job of working with Atterizamos of creating Alathra, and finally Caelum the job of the weather. Another thing she wrote was "My Sons and Daughter have made a beautiful world and even have started creating mortal life into existence on my world. For what reason I have no clue, I think I will let it run its course and observe all of the people, I may put one of my own among the mortals." Omnia then went on to create Venandi and him among the Alathran people on Arith and as a gift gave him arcane boots and bow. The final part of Omnia's truth says "All of my children must write a book like this and their creations must worship their creators but more importantly me."

Atterizamo's Truth

"I must ask why, why does mother Omnia ask this of us? What does she plan? What does she plan to do with me? Why was I created? So many questions, but no time for answers. I must complete my assignment." Atterizamo's writing seemed very erratic in the book. Atterizamos was assigned the job of shaping every inch of land of Alathra from the dunes of Moria to the mountains of Ashina. When Atterizamos found himself finished with his job he felt empty and created his daughters Flora and Fauna who together would bring life to Alathra through plants and animals. Before humans could be created by Fauna Neptus would need to create the ocean. Atterizamos closed out his book saying "I just hope this is all worth it."

Neptus' Truth

"This is what I was made to do, what I was bred for, and I love it. The ocean crashing against my brothers land is beautiful." Neptus' writing was ecstatic if anything, the writing filled with joy and pride. Neptus was assigned the role of creating the vast and deep waters all over Alathra, as well as filling the rivers and lakes. She would help Fauna create the first human, as well as helping Flora and Fauna expand the wildlife all over the continents. With her role finished she would create Luna to manage the waves and rule over the shadows. With her final writings, she would close the book and with a smile, say "I look forward to see how this shall go."


Old Silvan (originally called Gotoma) would evolve into 3 different languages those being Samuese, Navlis, and Fangi English. Samuese was lost after the destruction of Samu with the only native speaker left being Venandi.

Old Silvan

Old Silvan is an ancient language that is spoken fluently today by only two high Silvan officials. Old Silvan despite its name was formed in Pre-Silvan times before the tribal era. Navlis is a form of Old Silvan still used today, it was Old Silvan modified and altered to be able to fit in with arcane spell casting easier. Old Silvan is made up of 86 consonants and 28 vowels that would string together in the same way as Fangi English. Old Silvan comprised of a numbering system going from 1 to 10 then having additional words for Hundred and Thousand. The language oftenly used the same words in different contexts to describe different things. The language was mostly masculine words with the equivilant of "his" or "it" used more oftenly. The language took too long to put together a sentence due to the complication of pronouns, plurality, and complete utter lack of verbs.


Navlis was more of a sub section of Old Silvan as it was used for arcane spell casting. After the arcanes were discovered scholars and researchers found it hard to document and record the enchantments to script form and ended up making a form of Old Silvan that reversed itself to allow more variety in words but this ended up with the language being harder to learn that the already very hard to learn Old Silvan. The language had 28 consonants and 86 vowels that would change the word with the slightest mutter of the wrong letter. The language being too hard to learn was part of the reason that the Silvan Federation at the time lacked Arcane magicians. This would later get replaced for Fangi English.

Fangi English

Fangi English is just what the Silvan people would start using which would be a dialect of normal English used most places through out Alathra. It was seen as simpler and easier to learn therefore over the span of 400 years it replaced Navlis and Old Silvan.