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added The Long March
(added Deterrence)
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As a political tool, deterrence is expected to be used as a strategy of foreign policy by any adherent clan or state against a potential, and in doing so a sword called "Deterrence" is to be granted as proof of conduct to any adherent ruler.
== The Long March ==
As a prophesized event in every volume of ''The Message'', the Long March is an event expected to occur during the revival of Mesoah while the rest of the world is engaged in total war, which is variously interpreted as a gathering of adherents out of diaspora into the Land of Genesis in a symbolic march towards the Point of Creation. The Long March is hypothesized to end in a success if a [ super-state encompassing most of Omis], with consensual permission with sovereign states, is to be established along with the 6 stars of sentience (''known as The Land of Genesis'').
The Land of Genesis is described by the Sole God to be "the most righteous embodiment of deterrence" and a "mutually beneficial peace-loving bastion polity of love that those capable of feeling share."
The Long March and the Land of Genesis is first mentioned in detail in the second chapter of the first volume of the Message of the Sole:<blockquote>"Being strong coincides with being prepared for the Long March and what it entails. On the dirt your prophet breaths his final breath, there he will return a second time. You will walk, you will walk. No selection of banners of nations will divide the people of faith from the day of the Long March and onward. It will be a banner of only clean pristine white fabric. For I will guide Mesoah, your shepherd, to the Land of Genesis. The land in which your lord created sentience from but a drop of blood. ... He will walk until the parched desert reaches the sea. ... And if your blood is spilt by those who oppose, the white cloth will contrast the red blood. If they are to stain your clothes red, the ones who's blood were spilt will be martyrs. A palace will await for them in my kingdom to come. ... Charisma is that of a disarming strength. Your mercy, of which will be rare in this time of skirmish, will be that of whic hwill remove the barriers of which divide the Land of Genesis. ... And if the faithful are to humiliate, to torture, to fight with, and to kill without last resort, It would be to abandon your lord entirely."
- Message of The Sole, II. The Long March, Volume 1.</blockquote>
