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War, disease, and famine continued to cause incalculable sums of deaths for the various warlords, the proto-Exaltati, and the Pyrrhians. All groups suffered but as the years went on the Pyrrhians became more and more dominant. Their land lay in the center of two rivers, allowing for easy defense against oncoming attackers and keeping the dirt fertile through the various droughts. Life wasn’t easy for them, but it was much more manageable in comparison to the proto-Exaltati.
[[File:Thoughtless.png|thumb|No Thoughts? A modern day depiction of the method developed by The Caravan during the Felu fragment conflict. This method was later further developed and adapted for single minded sentients by Mari and documented.]]
Felu had spent the years terrorizing the various groups of proto-Pyrrhians as well as the various tribes in the region. However, the constant hindering by the rest of The Caravan was growing tiresome for Felu. The Caravan had begun to adapt, each fragment having learned how to be in a complete thoughtless state while acting. Felu strangely enough had adopted a sentient emotion, it had grown tired of the meddling. Felu needed a way to disconnect itself from the rest of The Caravan.


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