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===Founding Arcadia===
Pitru's solace would be interrupted when a Kogongi man, Pmak, arrived in Wahat. He was poor and destitute, looking for a home and friends. Pitru took him in the stranger, teaching Pmak of the faith, to which he soon converted. Within a few scant weeks, Pitru and Pmak acted as practically lifelong friends. Pitru finally began to rise out of his depressive state, and with Pmak's help, felt ready to finally expand Wahat; and to try once more to fulfill his divine mission. Coincidentally, frightening word concerning Pitru's mission would arrive from [[Prospit]]. The [[Acquendavia|Acquendavians]] appeared to threaten the Kogongi, stoking a widespread paranoia and fear throughout the federation. In response, Pitru constructed a wall for Wahat. As a consequence of Acquendavia's expansion towards Koganon, the Yuvantiyan tribes in the area were forced to assimilate to the Acquendavian way of life, or die. Some of the tribes, however, saw another option. Remembering Pitru's offer, five of the Yuvantiyan tribes migrated with haste to Wahat, abandoning their homeland in favor of a land foreign to them, yet free from Acquendavia's influence. The threats by Acquendavia to Kogongu ultimately amounted to nothing, but to Pitru, they were a instrument to complete his divine mission. Pitru welcomed the Yuvantiyans with open arms, working with Glider once more to provide food and makeshift shelters. Here, Pitru took the intiative, promising to secure the future of the Yuvantiyan, now Arcadian, people through the standardization of their faith and development of their new home. The tribes, with no other options, agreed to help develop Wahat, recognizing Pitru's foresight of the invasion as a sign of favor upon Senate from the gods.
[[File:Afi, Mufijo God of the Sun.jpg|thumb|223x223px|A depiction of Afi, Lord of Day and Sun. Art drawn by Yincherri.]]
His power consolidated, Pitru, Pmak, and the tribes set to work making plans to create a bustling port town, complete with reclaimed land and a Grand Mosque for the faith. Pitru would receive yet another new resident around this time. Glider Fraemani, tired of his increasingly slower life in [[Kais Kogong]], made a journey to Wahat to check on the new Arcadian arrivals. After witnessing a [[Mufijo]] prayer, Glider grew interested in the faith, ultimately converting and moving to Wahat to aid in the construction of the city. Where before Pitru had felt secure, he now felt both secure and content in his place. However, the gods had other plans. Pitru, Pmak, and Glider each suffered a dream one summer's night, with one of the gods of the Mufijo faith instructing them to found a religious state, whose divine mission would be to spread the Path of Mufijo throughout Alathra. Pitru was visited by the Afi, Lord of Sun and Day, who noted his previous completion of the divine mission to save the Arcadians from squalor and war as a sign of deep piety. The next day, at sunset, Pitru, Pmak, and Glider, now nobly titled Mumbas (founders), would seek and recieve the fealty of the Wahati clans and people, declaring the Arcadian Altanate. Pitru, seen as the most pious of the three Mumbas and the source of conversion for the other two, would become the Altan of Arcadia and the [[Mufijo Faith]].


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