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→‎Biography: Edited Great Trek section
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===Life in Yuvantiya===
Pitru was born 22 years before his exile to Alathra, in the city of Ddaza,. The city is located in the realm of Yuvantiya, which Pitru has since left behind and renounced. He was born into a small clan of religious dissidents known as the Punstraia. In his early years, he was discriminated against due to his family's refusal to adhere to the official faith of the city.
Pitru vaguely remembers his parents, two peasants of Clan Punstraia who held no sway or influence within it. His immediate family attempted to lay low and not attract attention, especially given their Punstraia affiliation, something that likely played a part in Pitru and his immediate family's continued survival. Unfortunately for the rest of Pitru's clan, their notoriety as religious dissidents and more bombastic nature would bring about their destruction.
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===The Great Trek===
Senate awoke in a field of low grass and sparse trees. He looked around, hopefully safe from his enemies at last, seeing a blue sky and beautiful nature of a new land: Alathra. The gods came to him once more and promised to uphold his current safety, but only if Senate could survive a punishment for his renouncing of his faith to save his own life. Pitru would stay in this realm, Alathra, for the next 30 years. After serving this penance, as long as he respected the authority and will of the gods throughout it, he would be able to return to his home realm of Yuvantiya and retire to the small farming life he had attempted to start up before his exile. Imbued with a will to survive, Senate set out into the wild lands of Alathra that now surrounded him, never to be the same again.
Setting off from the pristine hills he had found himself in, Pitru travelled South, encountering the great city of [[Lothridge]]. Fearing that he would be attacked for his unknown status in Lothridge, Pitru stopped short of entering the city, and began making an arduous journey West. He trekked through the mountains surrounding Lothridge and found himself near a large river that he called the Draxí, named after the poppies he encountered on one side of the river. Crossing the Draxí would not be easy, however, and Pitru was brutally attacked by a Skeleton firing at him from the shore. Although he survived, Senate was now badly injured and needed shelter and food.
Praying to his deities, the gods directed him to a nearby forest for refuge. The forest seemed mystical in a sense, and although he could not investigate further, Pitru swore he witnessed a bright glow shining from deep in the thick of trees. This mystic nature healed Senate's wound, and he would go on to honor and swear to protect any forest with a tree (Dark oak) alike to the ones in the mystical forest. The forest provided him with enough wild berries to sustain him for a few months and the abundant woods made for good boat-building material. Senate believed by building a boat, he could perhaps sail to a land more conducive for habitation, or perhaps, other signs of civilization (barring his unfounded fearful encounter with Lothridge). Pitru set up a small camp, fished from the nearby Angler Lake, and was soon able to construct a crude vessel. Loading it with as many berries as he could, Pitru climbed in and sailed out towards the sea.
Upon sailing out to the sea, Pitru quickly noticed a large landmass on the horizon. He rowed towards it and landing not far from a small fishing village. Going north, Pitru had his first sight of civilization outside of Lothridge: [[Kais Kogong]]. He trekked towards the town, not knowing what to expect, and not possibly able to predict that an encounter with the Kogongi would change his life forever.
===Beginning a New Life===