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Anderm is a tundra region in northeastern Moria.

The Anderm region of Moria.


The following is an excerpt from a text by an Äävot Daasee scholar.

Thousands of years ago, before most Alathran civilizations had begun to bloom, the Dwarves of Dakuh Duzma had carved themselves a mighty city of quartz and stone. Into the face and interior caves of the mountain lay a shining white city rich in minerals and prosperity. Unfortunately, the Dwarves, like their ancestors before them and their kin after, were too greedy. They mined the mountain dry, becoming obsessed with its value and possible jewels and minerals. They dug too far for too long. When winter of that year struck, the Dwarves had no provisions as they hadn't prepared for the cold winter months that year. Now, Dwarves being Dwarves, this was no major adversity. Yes there were some that starved or died of dehydration, but the majority of the population survived to what would've been spring. They survived long enough that they thought that crops would begin to grow anew. That's where they were met with a deadly surprise. The winter that year never let up. It hasn't for the past few thousand years since the dwarves died or froze to death, their entire population ravaged by storm. The entire peninsula was and still is surrounded by an intense winter storm, refusing to die or leave the area. The once beautiful mountain civilization would lie dormant with halls emptied of its once lively inhabitants for a thousand years and yet another thousand years over. This would remain up until the start of recent Alathran history.

As of late 2021, Anderm was controlled by TiirtaÄävot Jat, an independent nation under the leadership of Admiral C. Vernesteen. TiirtaÄävot Jat eventually merged with Nablizahir to form the New Anglian Federation (N.A.F.). Megaladon later sold Nablizahir to Fare-Unire. Without Nabilzahir, the identity of the N.A.F. was no longer applicable, and the nation was returned to its traditional name of TiirtaÄävot Jat.