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Beyza, is the crowned princess of Iskandar


Beyza is female, slim, and also has green eyes. Her olive skin is like that of a Kogongi Person, because that's where most of her heritage comes from. She did not inherit pointed ears like the Kogongi, however she does participate in most of their culture. She also has long light brown hair.


Early Life

Beyza was born 22 years ago in the town of Iskandar, three years after her brother. Her lavish lifestyle being the daughter of the Crowned Prince of Iskandar, Neyf IV. Some in her family would consider her and her brother "opposites" because their interests were completely different even though they were raised under the same household. While Sayyid often liked hunting and cooking, Beyza enjoyed walking on paths to see nature and making brews such as wines and whiskeys. Their lifestyle, however, would come to an abrupt end when invaders from Icesteel completely decimated the entire city, reducing it to ruin and leaving both of their parents dead. The two siblings ran in opposite directions, Sayyid across the southern Iskandar River, and Beyza across the northern river toward Kogongu, leaving Sayyid to believe her to be dead. After this, Beyza was completely alone, teaching herself to hunt properly, pick good berries, and even experimented with brews whilst in the wilderness. One thing, in particular, is that she trained herself to be a master at the bow and arrow, shooting rabbits for food and defending herself from skeletons and creepers. She set up camp on the coast near Jotunstan until by way of a messenger parrot, heard news about Iskandar, leaving her to go back to her home. There she was greeted by Sayyid, who was trying to rebuild the city.

The rest is coming soon