Archive:Book of Hole

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The Book of Hole is a sacred text belonging to the religion known as The Hole Under the Sun, written its leader Saint Bean. In game, it is 19 pages long, containing 6 chapters.


Chapter 1: Bedrock

In the beginning, Alathra was naught but craggy bedrock jutting out into space. The bedrock orbited the sun and the moon orbited the bedrock. The three existing in harmony, their orbits representing each celestial entity's place in the Hierarchy. At the top was the sun, in the middle was the bedrock, and at the bottom was the moon. The sun was the fiery energy source of the universe, propelling heat out into the unknown. The bedrock was the calm, reigning in the sun when the sun's ambition outgrew its power. The moon was the watchful balance keeper of the sun and the bedrock, ensuring the two fulfilled their roles without destroying the other.

Chapter 2: Obsidian

After eons, the bedrock manifested an urge to create. The bedrock reached the sun and obtained lava, then reached into the moon and obtained water. With the two materials in hand, the bedrock created obsidian. The bedrock covered much of its surface with obsidian, for the two were friends as far as their relationship of creator and created would let them. After more eons of coexistence and friendship between the bedrock and obsidian, the two fell deeply in love and sought to create more like them; children.

Chapter 3: Stone

This time with the bedrock and obsidian, the bedrock once again reached out the sun and moon for more lava and water. But unknown to the lovers, the moon had grown jealous. The moon had always coveted bedrocks place in the hierarchy, after all, the moons purpose was just as important as the bedrock's and the sun's. Furthermore, the bedrock's new lover compounded the jealousy of the moon, and so the moon cursed the water and took the bedrock took from it. When the lovers combined lava and water, stone was created. The lovers were ecstatic with the new child, but the stone quickly turned against them. The stone expanded rapidly, its mass exponentially increasing until it smothered both the obsidian and the bedrock. But the stone was not satisfied with just encasing the two together, the stone separated the obsidian from the bedrock such that they could no longer feel each other's embrace. But not all was bad. When the sun saw what happened to the bedrock, it blessed the surface with life and banished the stone into slumber. Life started humbly as plants and creatures too small to be observed by the naked eye. But with time, life changed into the greenery and animals we know today.

Chapter 4: Return to what is right