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'''Bunkurs 13''' is a small coastal town and the closest townsettlement by distance to New Vegas in the country of [[USA|USAU.S.A]]. Currently, it is under the territorial dominion of the USAUSNA, with regional authority being exercised by its Mayor, Lord St4n7ey.
The foundation of the town is built on the Southernunnamed Islandisland south of New Vegas in which it calls by various names, the most common ones being Outer Floppinia, Chungustan, Kyszyne, or more neutrally the "Southern Island". Bunkurs 13 is notably known for its Asiatic architecture and its national religion, Tenriism.
The town was established in 2021. As of November 5, the town has a population of 2.
== History ==
Before the establishment of Bunkurs 13, the area of the Southern Island was mostly unsettled and underdeveloped, with only a single town (named Arkaley) being the earliest evidence of settlement in the region. TheTherefore this island, despite being right next to Nevadia (then the USA), remained uninhabited for a long time (after the inactivity of Arkaley) until the arrival of its settler, St4n7ey.
=== Development ===
The arrival of St4n7ey from the far South to New Vegas and his humble acceptance by UsaZach was the main catalyst for the founding of Bunkurs 13. From then on, colonization and development of the island commenced, with the first buildings being a Chinese restaurant, a pagoda, and two castles. During the construction of the first castle, Castle Floppa, the entire former villager town was suddenly removed and the surrounding Jungle trees cut down by a now-defunct neighboring town named Torrin. Tenriism started to take form during this time too, originally having only a single deity, Big Chungus, but as time went on its doctrine started to evolve, as with its pantheon of Gods and Saints.
== Geography ==
Bunkurs 13 is situated in the Southern Island, south of New Vegas and divided by a narrow river.
=== Climate ===
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=== Resources and Economy ===
The town has almost little to no natural resources. It is highly dependent on nether mining (specifically netherite mining, from which it gives all its supply to New Vegas), gold mining in the nearby Mesa biomes, and trade.
=== Religion ===