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Maragraine and Festino first met when one day, Maragraine was visiting his brother in Eldia, and happened to notice Festino out on the streets of Winterhallow. Her beauty caught Maragraine's eyes, and so Maragraine approached her and introduced himself. He attempted to charm her, and being a politician, charming people was his job. He succeeded, and the two quickly fell in love. To Maragraine, it was nothing more than a short affair, but to Festino, it was a genuine relationship. While with her, Mauragraine hid his true self from her, and acted as a kind and carring man. Festino, being so good natured and innocent, believed him and never doubted him. As the relationship went on, Maragraine visited Eldia more and more. He continued to meet with Festio and to spend time with her, until one day, both became lost in their passion for one another, and Festino held within her a child.
Because Maragraine cared so deeply about his public image, he was horrified to discover that he now had a bastard son. If word got out that after all his talk of morality, he had had a child outside of marriage, his reputation would be ruined.