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* The former [[Elyria|Elyrian]] emperor [[Sherman|Shermansworld]] is put on trial in [[Artorias|Artorius]] for an ''alleged'' history of '''war crimes''' and of '''crimes against humanity.''' The jury results in an inconclusive 3-3 vote, marking the trial with disorder, violence, and '''death'''.
* [[Sherman|Shermansworld]], 61, is assassinated on trial. [[Issroth]] reveals a concealed dagger, stabbing Sherman at the witness stand.
=== July 10 ===
* The town of [[Hálfrland]] is founded by former members of [[Nixium]] upon Lobster island, south-west of Ashina.
=== July 11 ===
* [[Stahlfaust]], along with its vassal colonies around the world, creates the Van Orden Pact: a mutual defense pact between [[Stahlfaust]] and [[Krosston Imperium]].
* [[Nanochad]] is banished from [[Keystead]] by [[Glorious Volarium]].
* The [[Arcadian Altanate]] enters a period of isolationism with the goal of internal improvement.
=== July 13 ===
* Alathra goes through what can be refered to as a "nautical revolution"; the various civilization of Alathra set their sites on watercraft.
* A series of letters is exchanged between [[Lilac Volarium]] and [[Glorious Volarium]] in which Lilac warns that [[Nanochad]] plans to reconquer [[Redna]]
=== July 14 ===
* [[Stahlfaust]] finds gallows constructed near the capital of [[Krosston Imperium]] and demands reparations from [[Kresvania]], who claim the gallows predate any Stahlfaust settlement and are non-threatening in nature.
* [[Serenity]] constructs a statue at [[Sierra Castiapella]] to commemorate the 200 citizens who lost their lives in the massacre months prior.
=== July 15 ===
* [[Kresvania]] pleads its case, having accepted all of [[Stahlfaust]]’s demands and finds itself on the doorstep of war, asking for help.
* [[Ashina]] declares its defense of [[Kresvania]], to which the greater [[Stahlfaust]] Empire declares its intentions to fight against Ashina.
=== July 16 ===
* [[Cyan Timemantle]], queen of [[Free City of Mantle|Mantle]], goes missing.
=== July 18 ===
* [[Stahlfaust]] purchases [[Nabilzahir]] for 420,000.
=== July 19 ===
* [[Ursus]] requests do-gooders from across [[Alathra]] to aid him in his fight against darkness in [[Esteura]].
* [[Sniven Boghopper]], Tal B. Frebius, Seer, [[Aglarian Aran’lúnarya]], [[Glorious Volarium]] and Kevien answer [[Ursus]]’s call.
* The first Council of [[Solaris]] is held, hoping to codify the texts and faith.
=== July 20 ===
* The nations of [[Arith]] ([[Free Cities of Alathra|The F.C.A.]], [[Mirenirenic]], [[Praetara]], and the [[Solar Empire of Arith] stand in solidarity as they agree to fend of any potential colonization of their continent.
* [[Glorious Volarium]], on behalf of [[Ratburgh] denounces the aforementioned agreement.
* [[Aegiskey]] renames itself to [[Estea]]
* An agreement between the parties of [[Praetara]], [[Glorious Volarium]], and [[Ratburgh]] is reached and peace maintained.
* [[Glorious Volarium]] gives up [[Redna]] to the highest bidder.
=== July 22 ===
* Holy books and other important documents are stolen from [[Nautli]] who put out a bounty for their return.
=== July 23 ===
* Leylines shift and the fabric holding [[Lethos]] within [[Alathra]] breaks, leaving lethans to flee the plane.
=== July 24 ===
* [[Ursus]] and his group of fighters battle [[Methild]], who had become corrupted with power and, although suffering serious injuries, were able to beat back the elf into retreat.
* [[Augustyn]] separates from [[Krosston Imperium]] and joins the Van Orden Pact.
* The [[Republic of Lydoneia]] celebrates its 1 year anniversery
* [[Glorious Volarium]] threatens [[Ratburgh]] who accuse him of stealing their pets.
=== July 25 ===
* [[Savimbi]] and [[Furiōsus]] battle for [[Meloncrest]], with Furious eventually losing.
* The war for [[Kresvania]] ends, with [[Ashina]] demanding war reparations from [[Stahlfaust]]
=== July 26 ===
* [[Redna]] joins the [[Republic of Lydoneia]]
* The [[Arcadian Altanate]] stabalizes its government and creates a second constitution
=== July 27 ===
* [[Avynmeet]] cuts through the land, connecting the rives on either of its sides and forming itself into an island.
* Queen [[Cosmic]] of [[Eldia]] calls off her wedding to King [[Mithras]] among controversy and returns home to find a baby upon her doorstep.
=== July 29 ===
* [[Ratburgh]] residents are accused of illegally harvesting Chorgassian crops by the [[Arcadian Altanate]], they respond rather petulently.
=== July 30 ===
* The [[Solar Empire of Arith]] dispatches a small party of 20 men to investigate and retake the old ruined city of [[Pyrrhus]].
* [[Sierra Castiapella]] reopens its borders.
* Nations within [[Arith]] announce the Green Arith project with the goal of cleaning up and beautifying Arith. [[Praetara]] joins the project late.
* The nation of Shepody disolves amid civil turmoil.
=== July 31 ===
* The Morian connection is announced, a project to unite all of [[Moria]] with road networks and canals.