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Formed early on into the town's construction, the Cyanus Art Guild is the most prominent trade hub in the whole town. Members are mostly artists, builders, & terraformers all from the town, & are often responsible for a litter of builds & works all across Alathra. The levels of teamwork in the group are often rag-tag at best, & pretty flaky at worst, but all in all, they'll eventually get the job done.
====== Cyanus Bay Project ======
One of the most frustrating jobs for the builders was the Cyanus Bay Project, where they hoped to have been able to set up a port in the Etrovian Canal. Unfortunately, shipwrights were rare in town, so for months, the project had been delayed until the Cyanus Art Guild could find a shipwright for hire. Luckily one was eventually found during a trip to Dalletosh one Summer, & they managed to make big enough boats to support long-term travel. They rarely use these 'cozy-ships'travel vessels for trade, but rather to take people around Alathra for important jobs & events.
====== Town Hall Project ======
There's also been recent developments for a town hall, yet no one has solidified what it'll look like or where they'll put it yet...
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Cyanus' foreign relations are usually that of trade, especially services. The mayor can personally rattle off many nations & peoples the Cyanus Art Guild worked with, both successful & unsuccessful. Many Cyanus folk are tolerant to other nations because they came from many nations themselves, but some have a harder time with places that are more restrictive.
Currently, there has been no outer or inner conflict in Cyanus. The town's recency & lack of known enemies are usually the reasons, though some explain that it's because of how far they are from other parts of the world. If there ever was a seige, the mayor claimed that they wouldncan't directly fight melee, becuase they're known to suck at using a sword due to wonky hands & arms. This situation has led most of the townsfolk heavily fearing seiges & skirmishes.
There are no direct alliances, although they do have a lot of good friends from random places. Mainly Sajko of Port-aux-Nixe, Nora of Siera, Remora of Haven, & a few others. The Cyanus Art Guild however has no care in who hires them, so they have regulars. Most notably, Twyst from The League, who hired for 3 artworks in a row at one point. Cyanus' mayor is also a part of the PDO (Prospit Defense Force) as an assistant in certain non-combat scenarios.
== Gallery ==