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===Historical Buildings===
[[File:The Lily of the Valley Band (2022).jpg|left|thumb|Band getting ready to play at the tavern.|155x155px]]
====== The Lily of the Valley ======
The most well-known building in Cyanus is the tavern. Dubbed, 'The Lily of the Valley' by the mayor & main worker, this spot is the major source for leisure in town. It has the common things you'd find in one; music, drink, pool, etc. Though some of the drinks had been known to be... Odd. Luckily the residents understand that they're harmless, but some still are awaiting the day the mayor accidentally puts an actual Lily of the Valley in the tea...
[[File:The Lily of the Valley Band (2022).jpg|left|thumb|Band getting ready to play at the tavern.]]
[[File:Playing some Pool (2022).jpg|thumb|Tal the Lowly & Nora of Siera playing pool in the tavern, after hours. |none]]<small>.</small>
====== The Cyanus Art Guild ======
Formed early on into the town's construction, the Cyanus Art Guild is the most prominent trade hub in the whole town. Members are mostly artists, builders, & terraformers all from the town, & are often responsible for a litter of builds & works all across Alathra. The levels of teamwork in the group are often rag-tag at best, & pretty flaky at worst, but all in all, they'll eventually get the job done. Sometimes Alathran gossip starts from the group, as they're prone to lying about wild events on the job for fun...
[[File:Why do we even bother (2022).jpg|none|thumb|Two Cyanus Art Guild members bickering about the failing bay project.|left|155x155px]]
====== Cyanus Bay Project ======
One of the most frustrating jobs for the builders of Cyanus currently is the Cyanus Bay Project, where they would've hopefully been able to set up a port in the Etrovian Canal. Unfortunately, shipwrights were rare in town, so for the past few months, the project has been delayed until the Cyanus Art Guild can find a shipwright for hire.
[[File:Why do we even bother (2022).jpg|none|thumb|Two Cyanus Art Guild members bickering about the failing bay project.]]
====== Town Hall Project ======
There's also been recent developments for a town hall, yet no one has solidified what it'll look like or where they'll put it yet...
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Animals in Cyanus consist mainly of livestock & bees. During the Summer, rainforest birds fly into town to try & eat crops, much to the anger of farmers. During winter, foxes like to huddle up in the sides of houses, which is a much more pleasing sight for the townsfolk.
[[File:Bee & a Cornflower (2022).jpg|none|thumb|A young bee getting nectar from a cornflower.]]
The terrain is flat, with few hills to be found. It's often considered well ground to travel by horse or cart, as long as you dodge cavern entrances. There's also rivers capable of supporting rowboats, kayaks, & small sailboats making rounds from Dalletosh.
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Though Cyanus shares a respect of fish with many other towns in the nation, there's also similar treatment given to bees. They're on the coat of arms, beehives are littered across the picnic area, & the main weapon given to guards in town are curved spears called a Fell Stinger.
[[File:Dire Bee Heraldry (2022).jpg|none|thumb|The Dire Bee featured on Cyanus' coat of arms. Its seen holding a Fell Stinger.]]
