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====== The Cyanus Art Guild ======
Formed early on into the town's construction, the Cyanus Art Guild is the most prominent trade hub in the whole town. Members are mostly artists, builders, & terraformers all from the town, & are often responsible for a litter of builds & works all across Alathra. The levels of teamwork in the group are often rag-tag at best, & pretty flaky at worst, but all in all, they'll eventually get the job done. Sometimes Alathran gossip starts from the group, as they're prone to lying about wild events on the job for fun...
[[File:Why do we even bother (2022).jpg|thumb|Two Cyanus Art Guild members bickering about the failing bay project.|left|155x155px]]
Formed early on into the town's construction, the Cyanus Art Guild is the most prominent trade hub in the whole town. Members are mostly artists, builders, & terraformers all from the town, & are often responsible for a litter of builds & works all across Alathra. The levels of teamwork in the group are often rag-tag at best, & pretty flaky at worst, but all in all, they'll eventually get the job done. Sometimes Alathran gossip starts from the group, as they're prone to lying about wild events on the job for fun...
====== Cyanus Bay Project ======
One of the most frustrating jobs for the builders of Cyanus currently is the Cyanus Bay Project, where they would've hopefully been able to set up a port in the Etrovian Canal. Unfortunately, shipwrights were rare in town, so for the past few months, the project has been delayed until the Cyanus Art Guild can find a shipwright for hire.
