
Revision as of 07:04, 15 March 2022 by IzzyBlueJay (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Cyanus, often called 'The Town of Flowers', is a developing trade village within the nation of Sakan'to over on the path between many different towns. Its widely regarded as a relaxing place to more or less chill from the chaos of the faraway world. It lingers close to an old ruin & to a river leading up to Sakan'to's capital of Dalleton. (This is currently an incomplete page, as drawings & screenshots of the town are still needed as well as a more in-depth section on th...")
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Cyanus, often called 'The Town of Flowers', is a developing trade village within the nation of Sakan'to over on the path between many different towns. Its widely regarded as a relaxing place to more or less chill from the chaos of the faraway world. It lingers close to an old ruin & to a river leading up to Sakan'to's capital of Dalleton. (This is currently an incomplete page, as drawings & screenshots of the town are still needed as well as a more in-depth section on the town's religious history.)



Before the settlement of Cyanus, it was just a random flower field by the large river crossing near places like Dalleton & Oakland. It had nothing more than random field life, an odd amount of bees, & a looming ruin in the far distance.


Cyanus' settlement came from a roadblock situation in a trade route passing the field. People were stuck for several months until just deciding to settle down in the field, building as they went along.

Historical Buildings

The most well-known building in Cyanus is the tavern. Dubbed, 'The Lily of the Valley' by the mayor & main worker, this spot is the major source for leisure in town. It has the common things you'd find in one; music, drink, pool, etc. Though some of the drinks had been known to be... Odd. Luckily the residents understand that they're harmless, but some still are awaiting the day the mayor accidentally puts an actual Lily of the Valley in the tea.


Cyanus is located in the continent of Prospit, within the nation of Sakan'to. The environment is a plain close to both the Toburne River & The Cirobian Canals (Names may be spelt wrong). There's boat-based links to Oakland & Dalleton, as well as road links to East Mesa & Siera.

Flora and Fauna

Flowers, flowers, & more flowers. Cyanus is flooded with clusters of flowers. They come in many colours, shapes, heights, & properties, as well as being a mainstay in the town's naming schemes & materials. People use their dyes for paint, toxins for antivenom/pesticide, & even use them in Alchemy. The cornflower is the symbol of Cyanus, because of a dish made in the region said to give the person who consumed it 'a spring in their step'. There's also a unique small tree that grows in Cyanus, with deep brown trunks & large flowering clusters that grow year round. Some have dubbed them 'Lapis Jacarandas', but a scientific name has yet to be given.


The terrain is flat, with few hills to be found. Despite that, it is recommended heavily to stick to trade paths when moving on land to avoid cavern entrances. There's also rivers capable of supporting rowboats, kayaks, & small sailboats making rounds from Dalletosh.


Cyanus is extremely multicultural due to the circumstances of the town's creation, with people from all over Prospit & sometimes further. The majority is from Dalleton & its neighbouring reigons, some come from Nixium or Fare-Sesso, some from Arcadian Altanate, & a few from other continents, likely those who had a poor treatment of their merchants, giving them a good excuse to defect.


Culture is a funny thing in Cyanus. Since most of the people were from Dalleton, they used a character system of writing & speech, that was split in term of formality, proper nouns, etc. But since many of the other tradesmen couldn't understand what they were saying, the main language was decided to be common tongue. Except common tongue was difficult for some to get used to. This culminated in what some called 'Flower's Common Tongue', which is known for having habits of a casual version of the language in Dalleton, while still being in common tongue. Some of the differences are as follows:

  • The shortening & combining of words. (e.g. Outa = Out of, Dunno = Don't know, Mate = Matey (A term used by those who worked at sea.))
  • Phrases referencing the Faithlow of Dallet. (e.g. Cod replacing God, pointing upwards when referring to hell, etc.)
  • An odd comfortability with cussing that'd been rubbed off from sailors. (Though the mayor is an exception in this department.)


Similar to culture, faith in Cyanus is equally as spread out. The Fiathlow of Dallet is the most common, even having a little sculpture in town based around it, but a few others also are practiced.



Cyanus, being a trade spot, sell things helpful for those travelling from place-to-place. Food, drink, horses, repair, & other essentials. They also have trade in potion drink, dye, flowers, honey products, written books, fletcher's materials, etc. There's also a few services in Cyanus, like hiring an art & banner designer, or a builder.


Cyanus doesn't really bulk buy from other places much, its pretty self-sufficient. It does often have housing supply assistance from their much bigger cousin town of Dalleton but it doesn't exactly count.

Foreign Relations

Cyanus is currently at no known offense or praise with other towns or nations due to its miniscule size & lack of worldwide action. It will however assist other towns in Sakan'to if need arises.


Currently, there has been no outer or inner conflict in Cyanus, apart from a few pillager attacks. Cyanus' mayor has expressed that they'd assist the nation as a whole if someone tries to attack. Some reports of this interaction however claims that they were pretty anxious while saying those words.


There are no direct alliances, but a few towns around Alathra that've been friendly enough to have the people visit often. Mainly the seaside town of Port-au-Nixe after hiring Cyanus' build crew to fix up a house & roof there, & another trade hub called Eisenburg, which is considered by the populace as a nice place to buy at.