
Revision as of 16:50, 18 February 2022 by Dragooon (talk | contribs) (Added picture, fixed formatting)
Nationality: ArcadiaCitizenship: Snowpia Occupation: Mayor, Architect Known for: Founding Snowpia

Dragoooooooon (long for Dragooon) is the sea dragon-oid founder of Snowpia.


Early Life

Dragooon was born and raised in a deep underwater Sea Dragon-oid colony. They were named in Dragonese, to what roughly translates to "Seastar" in common. They learned to hunt, build (though underwater building is easier than over-water, they've found), but not much about fighting others. He left to forge his own path when he came of age. They're very proud of their heritage and carry their culture and religion with them to this day.

First World (Enchanted Skies)

Dragooon came to the surface at about 16. He traveled the lands, picking up how the world worked as he went, though the surface-dwellers language was quite the challenge and he didn't quite get it for a while. Eventually they came across a mismatched bunch of creatures living in a mountain, who took Dragooon in. They consisted of Maze (a demon), Nambu (a goblin), Solar (a faery), and more recently Soren (a dwarf). Their home was named Cavetown. The group taught Dragooon more about their cultures and language. This was how Dragooon's name came about -- they found out the surface-dweller word for their species was "Dragon", and couldn't pronounce it, so they to say it as "Dragooooooon" for a while. The name stuck. But it didn't last. Eventually, something unknown happened to their world (at least that portion of it). After swimming to their underwater ravine for safety, they were knocked out and woke up in a whole new world.

Second World (Alathra)

After they woke up, they spent a little while exploring the mountains. They were then found and asked to join Zauburg but left after a few days to make a town of their own. He didn't know much about this world yet, but was eager to. He founded Snowpia soon after, and after realizing they were on Arcadian and Eldian land, joined Arcadia and allied with Eldia. Miraculously, Dragooon found Maze, Nambu, and Soren alive, and they joined Snowpia. Solar is still nowhere to be seen.

Political Beliefs

Dragooon's Sea Dragon-oid society was mainly socialist, and they've carried this over to Snowpia.


Dragooon's religion remains mostly unknown, but is Sea Dragon-oid in culture and worships a "Seadragonusgiganticousmaximus" (yes, that is a How to Train Your Dragon books reference. Because I can.).


Dragooon is a Sea Dragon-oid. They have mostly human anatomy, grey-green scales, a dragon-like snout, horns, mer ears, side-swept kelp-like hair, and a long tail. Their tail and gills were somehow injured during the destruction of Cavetown, and now they rely on armor enchantments to temporarily heal themself. And for all you fellow dragon book nerds out there, Dragooon is based on a Seawing-Nightwing hybrid (WoF), speaks dragonese, has gills that only work for a certain time (with enchants), and worships a Seadragonusgiganticousmaximus (Httyd books).


*Dragooon is lawful good. They make their own principles and stick with them (ex: Don't kill foxes, baby animals, parents, or wolves, don't steal from people you don't know, murder only those who threaten your friends or allies). *His pronouns are he/they

*Dragooon does not have a great memory

*Dragooon is not a good fighter, but will try (They're decent at bows).

*Dragooon does not fully understand politics.