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MylesDon (talk | contribs)
→‎Forming of the Free Cities of Alathra: Editing spelling errors and punctuation.
MylesDon (talk | contribs)
→‎Culture: Editing spelling errors and punctuation.
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== Culture ==
=== The Order of Averon ===
The culture of Duskenspur is based on codes and practices of the knightly order, of which all citizens are expected to join. theThe primary effects on the culture are as follows.
==== Sacred Hospitality ====
Hospitality is a intrigal part of the life of a citizen of Duskenspur, the people wish to provide a vibrant and interesting stay to guests, exchanging stories, booze and knowledge. toTo be a guest in Duskenspur, is to be cared for as by a long lost brother.
The offer of hospitality is a binding contract in Duskenspur, if one offers another hospitality, it is usually sealed with an offer of food and drink,. uponUpon acceptance of this the two parties are obligated to each-other in the following ways: The Host promises to sustain the guest (food, drink and a place to lay theretheir head), protect the guest (from all reasonable threats), and ensure theretheir liberty for the duration of the stay (make sure they are not trapped in a room). The Guest promises to, respect the property of the Host and any higher authorities they owe fealty to (do not rob or destroy anything), not to bring disrepute or besmirch the honorhonour of the host (dont be a dick),. provideProvide stories and share knowledge, as both education and entertainment (the Order of Averon are honorhonour bound to gather the history and stories of the places they visit, as theretheir founder Averon once did, providing this is a way of a guest honoringhonouring theretheir host). Finally, not to mislead theretheir host (do not lie).
Breaking the sanctity of hospitality can on the hosts side result in punishment ;from a nights imprisonment up to and including execution with subsequent exile from the order and township for the most egregious of cases. On the guests side breaking hospitality will in mild cases result in a fine to be paid to the host and sometimes additionally to the owner of the settlement,. inIn seversevere cases the guilty may also be banished from Duskenspur and all associated lands, with a free warrant out on theretheir execution upon being seen on said land again.
==== Generosity ====
As touched upon above, the people of Duskenspur are a giving lot. withWith the world being a difficult place, the followers of Averon believe that sharing resources is one of the key ways to ensure the survival of all. doDo not be surprised if you leave Duskenspur with armfuls of theretheir locally produced wheat, baked potatoes, and a new shield to fend off the horrors of the night.
==== Honour ====
Whilst what you have read about the culture thus far may lead one to think of our people as soft, this would be a mistake. The Order of Averon is first and foremost a knightly order and whilst the orders tenants generally put protecting others and providing support as high obligations, the Order is also one of pride and honor, honour;besmirch it and do not be surprised to find yourself at the point of a longsword. howeverHowever, respect it and you will likely have found a friend and ally for life.
==== Wanderlust ====
All members of the Order of Averon, and thus all citizens of Duskenspur are seekers of expirenceexpierence. thoseThose residents you come across in duskenspurDuskenspur are likely to have traveled far and wide to collect stories and adventures to be Chronicled in the library of lives. asAs you pass by, leave with the residents tales of your adventure, long lost cities you have discovered, or the darkest dungeons in which you have delved. itIt will be added to our chronicallychronical of the stories of our world. adverselyAdversely, this will likely effect the number of people you see in the towns as many will be off exploring.
== Religion ==