Archive:Ellie the end demon of power and faith

Revision as of 19:25, 8 August 2022 by Linkth3gam3r (talk | contribs)

home world Ellie lived in a town in a mysterious dimension known by no alathran.

arrival to alathra Ellie's arrival was confusing to her she was in her home eating when a fracture between dimensions brought her to alathra.

first days on alathra Her first days seem to have gone by so quick when she arrived she joined the town of wiltonberg for shelter she spent her first day's there mining out dirt to flatten the land and she opened a tavern.

time at wiltonberg while at wiltonberg she helped by farming and getting emeralds eventually the town leader got tired of his duties and promoted her to town leader.

the krosston v itar(mercs) war this war was a bunch of skirmishes but Ellie played a key part in fighting.

the krosston v meloncrest war Ellie played a major part in the siege of meloncrest by holding off until backup and extra supplies could arrive.