
From Alathra Wiki
National standard of the Encavia Empire.

Encavia is a nation located primarily on the south-west coast of Arith. It also rules territorys in north-east Arith (Morningstar) and on the northern coast of New Anglia (Greenfrost). Encavia is a democratic monarchy, ruled by emporer Gbhm2 along with a council of municipal representatives. The following are member towns: Frostheim, Invictus, Yangtzeguo, Millbrook, Morningstar, Greenfrost, Final Rest, Nidaros, and Unitatis (The Capital).


"Encavia" is a suffix version of the word "Encave" which by definition means "to hide in or as if in a cave". I need to ask Gbhm2 why the hell he named the nation after a word that means to hide in a hole.

The predominant area of Encavian claims.


Gbhm2, please help with this category.


The predominant area of Encavian claims is located in south-west Arith, bordering the western branch of the middle sea, containing 3 large rivers and bordering one in the west. Eastern Encavia is characterized by wide open plains and milestone hills, whilst western Encavia is largely an expanse of forested area containing oak, spruce, birch, and dark oak, bordering glacial inlets, mountains and tundra. As for Encavia's other territories, Morningstar is located atop a sloping cape extending into the northern ocean, and Greenfrost is a walled oasis surrounded by extreme arctic.


The council hall in Unitatis.

Encavia is governed and represented by its founder emporer Gbhm2, along with a council made up of municipal officials from each member town of Encavia, with a few exceptions, such as Unitatis residents Byve, Harrison_Wellss, and HyproDevo. The council is always held in the capital, Unitatis.



Culture and Economy
