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===Ewhington Joins===
On June 24, the sixth nation of the FCA was admitted, Ewhington, a tiny hamlet to the west of Uhovia.
===The Pultria-Lost Wood Incident===
On June 28 at 12:55 AM CST, Gwen127 from the town of Lost Wind in Synbio posted a photo of graves created for the "victims of slavery" of Pultria that died under King chickenprism's rule. However, because neither Gwen nor chickenprism clarified that the "slaves" were actually chickens, the other leaders of Alathra believed that the slaves were other players, causing a public outrage against chickenprism. As the day wore on, accusations flew between both sides, with Fred_Book of Redwood accusing chickenprism of sending a mercenary to attack him, and chickenprism charging Gwen127 with intentionally slandering Pultria and even sending death threats, though none of these claims were substantiated.
Nonetheless, these tensions came to a head when chickenprism declared war on Lost Wind at 1:15 AM CST. Soon enough, alliances were made, King Shepsicle of New Ashina City, King ImmaNotScope of Faron, and King Ripesack of Lothridge joining Pultria, and only Lord megadolon, the newly-crowned Lord of Iceburg, joining Lost Wood. As war loomed ever closer, the FCA remained neutral in the conflict, hoping to defend Lost Wind's autonomy but not wanting to risk war with the rest of Ashina.
However, in order to deny Pultria of a war, at 4:23 PM CST, Gwen127 decided to disband Lost Wind, and with ConacoGaming and NaaMannnn's help, disbanded the nation of Synbio altogether to join the FCA. The two nations had already had talks of merging together before the war broke out, but chickenprism still felt robbed of what he believed was rightfully his. As a result, he arranged a visit to Lost Wind to discuss acquiring Lost Wind for himself.
At 9:15 PM CST, King chickenprism arrived at Lost Wind, where he was received by Prime Minister spiceymonkey1349 and Sir 0utFoxxed of Uhovia. King chickenprism immediately demanded that the FCA hand over the town while spiceymonkey1349 and 0utFoxxed attempted to dissuade him, all while people from both sides interjected to berate the other. Eventually, Chancellor Cody29797 was forced to intervene, entering a private conference with King chickenprism.
Eventually, the two parties reached a compromise: King chickenprism would give up his claim of Lost Wind in exchange for being allowed to build an outpost on a nearby hill to the south. While neither side was truly satisfied with the compromise, it was enough to avoid open conflict.
==Government and Politics==
