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Hálfrland is a viking village, on the island of Hálfrland in between the continents of Prospit, Ashina, and Arith. The island itself was settled by nomads and Ashinians before being settled by the Hálfrmen, a subrace of Isvikings who never interbred with the Archivians, leading them to be shorter in stature. The island is half snow and half forest. There is one major hill in the center of the island in which most of the residents reside, which also splits the island between it's snowy half and it's habitable half.



Hálfrland residents are referred to as Hálfrmen, which is Isvik for Half-man. This is due to both their size, and the island they inhabit being split between snow and forest. Hálfrmen live in both wooden houses and in caves. The Jarl's keep, known as The Mound is a large cave found by the new settlers and used as both the housing for the Jarl and his family, as well as the site by which the Jarl can announce wars, raids, court decisions, and other political duties. These people primarily eat fish and potatoes. They are not adept horseriders as they are both too short to ride horses effectively for battle, and horses are primarily used for plowing as the village is on an island where horseback travel is not necessary. Hálfrmen prefer to travel by boat, and build longboats to be used in trade and raids.


The Hálfrmen have begun worshipping a god, who they believed helped lead them to the island and also helped them survive the first few winters. The Hálfrmen believe there are many gods but only know of one, who presents himself to humans as half man, half lobster, known as Jorgan. They have built a temple dedicated to him for keeping them fed and safe.


The government of the island is led by a Jarl, whose title is inherited. The first Jarl, Amleth, founded his clan known as Hvithár, for their family's long line of snow-white hair.

The island also has a local elected government known as The Thing, which is a common viking assembly made up of non-nobles to have a say in the politics of their village.