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Lydoneia, and Haven specifically, faced major losses in the battles of August 20th. As a result, Aurelius drafted a withdrawal document and sent it to the press. Lydoneia officially withdrew from The Great War on August 21st, 2021, being the first major nation within the Entente to do so. Many nations followed. Following the withdrawal, Aurelius met with [[King Eiric]], [[Attune]] and [[Theodmer]] in Peachfield to discuss the signing of a non-aggression pact which would effectively end Lydoneia's involvement in the war. After much deliberation and hours of negotiations, Aurelius came to an agreement with King Eiric and the Elyria-Lydoneia NAP was signed on August 22nd, 2021. The NAP aimed to restore relations between the two previously cooperating nations. Lydoneia was now no longer able to join any coalition force against the nation of Elyria or its allies, it could no longer declare war on Elyria until a peace summit was held, and it was responsible for building a road network connecting the rest of Elyria. Taking full responsibility for the defeat in The Great War and placing the entire blame on his shoulders, Aurelius accepted the terms and decided that he alone would create the road network. As of August 31st, 2021, the road is still in its planning stages and construction will begin soon. The collateral for the road building is in the form of a special axe crafted by Aurelius, the strongest weapon in the region, dubbed "Fury of Aurelius". The axe is still under possession of Elyrian forces, and will be returned to Haven after the roads are completed.
=== The Future of Haven ===
As the new capital of the Republic of Lydoneia, and after facing the major losses of the Great War, Haven has adopted a pacifist approach that will hopefully benefit the world of Alathra. The development of the Haven Capitolium is currently underway, and is planned to be a massive area that all nations can flock to from all different continent for global meetings, peace summits, trade exhibitions, banking and global events. With the help of major investor Thaeorn, Haven is leading the charge in Lydoneia to become a form of United Nations, a place where all can come and leave their weapons and armor at the gate to enjoy community and tranquility.
== Geography ==
Due to its geographical location in the southernmost continent, Haven is at a great advantage. Lake Haven gives residents and outsiders access to the eastern edge of the continent. After some discussion with the leaders of the southernmost continent, co-founder Morgan planned and created a continent spanning canal - one that allows for access to both the eastern and western hemispheres. With this canal, members of the southernmost continent all allow for free passage and free trade through the continent. Not only was this a major feat of engineering, but it has a huge impact on trade relations across Alathra.