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=== Centurions ===
=== Centurions ===
[[Centurions]] are ancient guardians, product of magic.
[[Centurions]] are ancient guardians, product of magic.

=== Demons ===
Demons are creatures hailing from the fiery realm of the Nether. Varying wildly in physical characteristics, they are hard to identify. Most commonly they are bipedal, possess one or more sets of horns and have high body temperature and heat resistance. Their skin tone varies wildly and may have patches of hair, be fully covered in hair or be hairless. Their ears also vary in shape and size or they may have no ears at all. Their height may vary anywhere from a few inches tall to the size of large buildings. Uniquely this race is near university adept in the way of the arcane from birth. Their natural lifespan is unknown, but some are known to be thousands of years old.

There are two known “tiers” of Demon, Lesser and Greater. Lesser demons make up the majority of the race and typically act as mean spirited tricksters or helpful friends for a small price. Their magic is comparable to the average mage in Alathra. Greater Demons are an ascended form of lesser demon, having accumulated power over a long time or through special rituals. They are known to give both horrifying curses and awe inspiring blessings of an equally awe inspiring price. Most Greater Demons are known by a title fitting their magical specialization.

While not inherently evil, both tiers of demon tend lean towards the darker side of the moral spectrum. Whether this is by nature or nurture is unknown.

While it is quite rare for demons to form societies, those that do typically see Greater Demons ruling over Lesser Demons in either a monarchy or oligarchy.
