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'''IAmTheSenate13''', also known as Senate, is the Altan (Leader) of the [[Arcadian Altanate]], a religious oligarchic monarchy. He is from athe foreignruined landtown of Yuvantiya, from which he fled after heavy religious persecution and threats of violence. He is the founder and mayor of the town of [[Wahat Almarjan]].
===Life Before Alathra===
BirniPitru (Senate) was born in the town of Yuvantiya, a faraway settlement that has since disappeared. In his early years, he was discrimnatred against due to his family's refusal to adhere to the official faith of the town. BirniPitru was stripped of his property and, fearing for his life, soon after fled Yuvantiya to find a new home. BirniPitru, fearing being hunted by his enemies, also changed his name to Senate, a word meaning "divine" in his native language. After a journey of several months, a weak and weary Senate had travelled far and was about to give up on his journey. But through the will of the three great gods of his faith, Senate was imbued with the strength to continue onward.
===Beginning a New Life===
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===Becoming a Leader===
This state of affairs continued until Pmak, another old friend of Senate, joined the town. Senate eventually constructed a wall when threats of war against Kogongu were made, and Wahat would begin to grow, along with Senate's dedication to his faith. Game Glider joined Wahat not long after, with Senate naming him as Lead Architect. The Three Mumbas as the three inhabitants of Wahat would become known, eventually got the approval of Kogongu to form an independent religious state for the faith of Mufijo called the Arcadian Altanate. Senate, being the founder of the town, and the one who brought the religion to Alathra was named as the Altan (Religious and Political Leader), ruling semi-democraticallymostly as an absolute monarch, with the Council of the Three Mumbas acting as athe only check on his power. Wahat began drastically expanding, and the Grand Mosque of Jiba the Wise finally resumed construction under the supervision of Glider. Senate has in recent times conducted diplomacy with the nearby town of Atolia and the nation of Elyria and has constructed several buildings in Wahat to improve the happiness of the residents, such as the first ever Dunkaccino's.
==Religious Beliefs==
Senate is the leader of the faith of Mufijo, worshipping the Sun (Afi), the Moon (Jorb), and the Earth (Xamu). He has dictated the list of forbidden (Ansolla) and permitted (Consolla) things for the faithful. A key tenet of Mufijo is constructing works for the faith, which Senate and his fellow Mumbas have undertaken in their construction of the Grand Mosque of Jiba the Wise, which is to be the centerpiece of Wahat Almarjan.
