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===Life Be===
Senate used to be a resident of a faraway nation called "Yuvantiya" but was forceddiscrimnatred awayagainst after his refusal to adhere to the official faith of the land. heHe was stripped of his property and, fearing for his life, soon after fled Yuvantiya to find a new home. After a journey of several months, a weak and weary Senate had travelled far and was about to give up on his journey. But through the will of the three great gods of his faith, Senate was imbued with the strength to continue onward. Senate eventually found himself in Alathra and encountered an old friend by the name of [[Game Glider SKG]]. Game_Glider was one of the founders of the nearby town of [[Kais Kogong]], and offered to help Senate become a resident. While Senate liked the idea of once again becoming a citizen of a nation, he also had his own vision for a society and preferred to make his home on a peninsula not far from Kais Kogong. After a short time, Senate joined the nation of Kogongu, but did not build his home in the capital. Instead, he founded his own town, which he named after an Oasis of Coral in the vast sea that surrounded this narrow peninsula. This village, Wahat Almarjan, would not last long however. After constructing his home and receiving help from Game_Glider in building a mosque for Senate's faith of Sun Islam, Senate entered a long period of simple living. He farmed peacefully and did not interact much with his fellow Kogongi, resulting in Wahat Alrmarjan's disestablishment shortly after its creation. This state of things continued until Senate made a return in mid June 2021 to continue construction on the great Sun Mosque. Senate reestablished the town of Wahat Almarjan on June 29, 2021. Senate eventually constructed a wall when threats of war against Kogongu were made. Pmak, another old friend of Senate, joined the town in mid-July of 2021 and began helping to develop the town. Game Glider also joined in mid-July and was named Lead Architect by Senate as Wahat continued to expand. The Three Mumbas as they would become known, eventually got the approval of Kogongu to form an independent religious state for the faith of Mufijo called the Arcadian Altanate. Senate, being the founder of the town, and the one who brought the religion to Alathra was named as the Altan (Religious and Political Leader), ruling semi-democratically with the Council of the Three Mumbas acting as a check on his power.
==Religious Beliefs==
