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| birth_place = ''Yuvantiya (Ruined Town)''
| status = ''Alive''
| residence = House of the Arcadian Altan, Wahat Almarjan Province, ArcadiaArcadian Altabate
| nationality = ''Arcadian''
| other_names = ''Brother Boxer, Chorizo Khaan''
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| first_joined = ''April 12, 2021''
| known_for = ''Founding [[Wahat Almarjan]], Compiling the Holy Texts of Mufijo''
| title = His Divine Majesty, Holy Altan of Arcadia, Eternal Servant of the Gods, Great Scribe of Mufijo, Great Sifan of Clan Punstraia, Pitru I of Arcadia
| notable_builds = ''Dunkaccino's, Mama Cicini's [[Wahat Almarjan]]''
'''IAmTheSenate13''', also known by his birth name Pitru Ermeni Punstraia or his adopted name Senate (Used interchangeably), is the Altan (Religious and Political Leader) of the [[Arcadian Altanate]], a theocratic oligarchic monarchy. He is from the ruined town of Yuvantiya, from which he fled after heavy religious persecution and threats of violence. He is the founder and mayor of the town of [[Wahat Almarjan]].
===Life Before KoganonAlathra===
Pitru (Senate) was born in the town of Yuvantiya, a faraway settlement that has since become ruined. He was born into a small clan of religious dissidents known as the Punstraia. In his early years, he was discriminated against due to his family's refusal to adhere to the official faith of the town. HisAll onlyof his relatives he knew of, his parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins were all killed by a mob after being blamed for a particularly bad harvest year for the village. Pitru only survived by falsely submitting to the Yuvantiyans' god, an act which he would repent for in his great months long wandering of Alathra. He was stripped of his property soon after and, fearing for his life, fled Yuvantiya to find a new home. Pitru, additionallydid fearednot beingget huntedfar byfrom hisYuvantiya enemies,when andhe changedsaw hissmoke namebillowing tofrom Senateit, a wordprompting closehim to "divine"run intowards hisa nativenearby language,forest hopingfor to pass off as a priestsafety. Senate, however,had wasbriefly unawarejust thatwitnessed hisa previous home of Yuvantiya was viciouslyvicious attacked noton long after his departureYuvantiya, resulting in the suspected death of every inhabitant. This has made Senate the final person of Yuvantiyan blood. Afterand athe journeySifan (leader) of severalthe monthsPunstraia Clan. In this forest, ahe fell asleep, weak and weary Senatefrom hadhours travelledof farrunning, and was aboutonly to givebe upawoken onby hisa grand journeyspectacle. ButBefore throughhim were the willgods of his faith, Afi - the threeSun, greatJorb - the Moon, Xamu - the Earth. The three gods warned him of hisa faithsearch party out to kill him, Senatehoping wasto imbuedeliminate withany vestige of Yuvantiya's memory. The gods pitied him and gave him the strengthoption to continueleave onwardhis homeland, and instead walk through a fissure in realms to a new, safer place. With no options left, Pitru accepted and was ushered through by the divine of his faith.
===The Great Trek===
Senate remembers no more, for the next thing he saw was a blue sky and a new land: Alathra. The gods came to him once more and promised him safety, but only if he could survive a punishment for his renouncing of his faith to save his own life. Pitru would undertake half a year of wandering through a land dangerous and unknown to him.
===Beginning a New Life===
