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{{Infobox person
| name pre-nominals = '''''IAmTheSenate13'''''Altan
| imagename = File:Senate skin.png = '''''IAmTheSenate13'''''
| altimage = altFile:Senate skin.png
| captionalt = Senate's Regular Attire = alt
| caption = Senate's Regular Attire
| birth_name = ''Pitru Punstraia''
| agenative_name = Pitru Ermeni = ''29''Punstraia
| birth_placeage = ''Yuvantiya (Ruined Town)29''
| statusbirth_place = ''AliveYuvantiya (Ruined Town)''
| nationalitystatus = ''ArcadianAlive''
| residence = House of the Arcadian Altan, Wahat Almarjan, Arcadia
| other_names = ''Brother Boxer, Chorizo Khaan''
| nationality = ''Arcadian''
| occupation = ''Altan of Arcadia, Farmer, High Priest of Mufijo''
| first_joinedother_names = ''AprilBrother 12Boxer, 2021Chorizo Khaan''
| known_foroccupation = ''CompilingAltan of Arcadia, theFarmer, HolyHigh TextsPriest of Mufijo''
| first_joined = ''April 12, 2021''
| notable_builds = ''Dunkaccino's, Mama Cicini's [[Wahat Almarjan]]''
| known_for = ''Founding [[Wahat Almarjan]], Compiling the Holy Texts of Mufijo''
| title = His Divine Majesty, Holy Altan of Arcadia, Eternal Servant of the Gods, Great Scribe of Mufijo, Pitru I of Arcadia
| notable_builds = ''Dunkaccino's, Mama Cicini's [[Wahat Almarjan]]''
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===Life Before AlathraKoganon===
Pitru (Senate) was born in the town of Yuvantiya, a faraway settlement that has since become ruined. In his early years, he was discriminated against due to his family's refusal to adhere to the official faith of the town. PitruHis only relatives he knew of, his parents, were killed by a mob after being blamed for a particularly bad harvest year for the village. He was stripped of his property soon after and, fearing for his life, fled Yuvantiya to find a new home. Pitru, additionally feared being hunted by his enemies, and changed his name to Senate, a word close to "divine" in his native Arcadian language, hoping to pass off as a priest. Senate, however, was unaware that his previous home of Yuvantiya was viciously attacked not long after his departure, resulting in the suspected death of every inhabitant. This has made Senate the final person of Yuvantiyan blood in all of Alathra. After a journey of several months, a weak and weary Senate had travelled far and was about to give up on his journey. But through the will of the three great gods of his faith, Senate was imbued with the strength to continue onward.
===Beginning a New Life===
Through his travels, Senate reached the land of Koganon and encountered a man by the name of [[Game Glider SKG]]. Game_GliderGame Glider was one of the founders of the nearby nation of [[Kogongu]], and, in his kindness, offered to help Senate become a resident. While Senate liked the idea of once again becoming a citizen of a nation, he also had his own vision for a society and preferred to make his home on a peninsula not far from the Kogongi capital at [[Kais Kogong]]. With the approval of the other Kogongi, Senate joined the nation of Kogongu and founded his own town, which he named after an Oasis of Coral in the vast sea surrounding the peninsula. This village, Wahat Almarjan (Axatu Marǧejá in Arcadian), would have a rocky start. After constructing his home and receiving help from Game_Glider in building the beginnings of a mosque for Senate's faith of Mufijo, Senate entered a long period of simple living. During this time, Senate would farm and pray peacefully and did not interact much with his fellow Kogongi for months on end. Senate also began using his old name of Pitru once more, after he learned of his homeland's grim fate.
===Becoming a Leader===
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==Political Beliefs==
Senate believes himself and his two fellow Mumbas to be chosen by the gods of his faith, and thus is a supporter of the divine right theory of monarchy. Although currently an absolute monarch with small checks on his power from the other two Mumbas, Senate has expressedsomeexpressed some support for a more democratic semi constitutional monarchy in the future, when the Altanate's population has grown.
==Religious Beliefs==
